I would really like to figure out more about the amount of subtypes. some combination seem to get along better with each other. I observe this dynamic constantly at work. sometimes a creative subtype finds a harmonising subtype extremly annoying, but then he gets along well with another harmoniser. it seems to me that some combinations work better, but it could be that this accentuation of a subtype switches more easily. from my ILE normalising friends, I get along extremly well with the one that has a high Si accentuation (focuses on comfort and his body, loves fine food and comfortable and fashionable clothes), while I don't get along with the pedantic Ti accentuation.

I personally think that I'm a creative subtype with Ne accentuation. I'm mostly focused on theoretical possibilities. I really related to the strenghening of Ne in Gulenko's first DCNH article from 2006 ("Strengthening function forms affective-labile behavior. This is secondary creativity, connected to intellectual fantasy, nonstandard ideas, directed not towards output based on dead-end situations, but to the solutions of future problems.").

in general, these accentuations are very difficult to notice. you have to be sure of someones type and subtype, and then you need to pay attention to what they focus on, what their interests and pursuit are etc. it can take some time to figure that out