Gulenko on Terminal/Initial subtypes and a 32 subtype test (Terminal/Initial)


  • FINDER terminal (invents - from the English. Inventor ) It has a great flair for the new. Often becomes the author of many inventions and discoveries. Unsurpassed generator of ideas. In its proposals very bold. But it is easy throws bored business and switches to a new - more exciting. He is able to express themselves in business. It is characterized by dynamics, rapid speech, a large number of gestures. He often dense physique, manly look, mustache, if it is a man. It attaches great importance to appearance.
  • FINDER initial (recoverable - from the English. Extractor ) Introspection and thoughtful man. He is attracted to abstract ideas that do not have direct contact with reality, such as philosophy, religion, bio-energy, etc. His favorite pastime -.. To compare between different logical systems. Type armchair scientist. It is characterized by asthenic figure. It is angular in his movements, not to pay attention to appearance, cares little about health.
Contacting Distancing
Terminating Dominating subtype (connecting) Normalizing subtype (ignoring)
Initiating Creative subtype (ignoring) Harmonizing subtype (connecting)

According to this terminal is either D/N (which is erroneously (?) translated as Ne) and initial is C/H (which is erroneously(?) translated as Ti).

This make lots of sense because I would classify myself as Ti sub in interest with some of the Ne sub behaviors and look.

I have seen engineering heavy ILE's and they would probably be D/N subtypes [emphasis on N?] while the C/H would be some sort of philosopher or scientist brand which I am. Engineering would drain me.