Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
I think there is also some error in the theory: classically, it is supposed to be Fe: objective ethics e.g., 'the church' or what the 'community' believes, vs. subjective ethics Fi: *my* personal ethical views, regardless of what society believes. Something like this has been conflated with 'has some ethics' vs. 'doesn't', which I think is obviously wrong. WRT looking inside: I do it in *all* ways - emotionally, logically, and intuitively. That could be what's wrong with my self-typing...
I don’t take objective ethics to mean rules laid down by an external authority, but rather observable and manifest information about human behavior. If it’s just rules created by someone else, you don’t need to have any perceptual abilities at all, just a good memory and a willingness to be an enforcer.