Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
There are explanations too, but it's fine if you skip them - I also skip them because they are bogus for the most part.

The classifications are also bogus too yeah. Someone else from the forum called it false categories, I found that a good phrase.
How do you explain from classifications?

I mean, there are literally no explanations in Model A, functions, types, quadras, Reinin dichotomies... they're all classifications.

Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
Except it's going to take more than a Darwin or Newton moment. More complex than that.
When people were busy classifying all the different species into taxonomies in biology, they were quite confused and overwhelmed and thought that they could never make sense out of it all. But the theory of evolution was so succinctly simple and elegant that it could actually explain and make sense out it all. It even explained things outside of biology, which makes it an even more objective and universal explanation.

Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
PS: Not surprised you skipped on explaining what you meant by structural differences in the brain being purely software lol
There's no real such thing as fundamentally different "structural differences" in computers, as all computers are based on elementary mathematical and logical principles, or the Turing principle. And since the computer can compute anything that the physical object can possibly compute (that's the theory), the brain is no different.

So what I mean is, the brain is the hardware, and everything that's running in it is the software. Things like consciousness, emotions are all software. So it looks like nature has been the programmer of our brain, programming things into our brain via evolution.