Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
The problem with Socionics, as always, is that it's a classification/categorization system without explanations.
There are explanations too, but it's fine if you skip them - I also skip them because they are bogus for the most part.

The classifications are also bogus too yeah. Someone else from the forum called it false categories, I found that a good phrase.

What is the ultimate explanation that can explain all of human behavior? We have found no such explanation yet. We need a new "Darwin" moment or "Newton" moment.
Except it's going to take more than a Darwin or Newton moment. More complex than that.

You can only make things fit to an already existing classification, which is basically what everybody is doing with Socionics.
That is not what I was doing with Socionics, hence I ended up refuting its explanations I guess. : p

PS: Not surprised you skipped on explaining what you meant by structural differences in the brain being purely software lol