@Singu you know I've seen you entertain logical arguments without letting feelings get in the way, but this post of yours was incredibly biased and illogical. You simply have a preconception and then you ignore all facts that go against it.

1. There is no reason or fact that would support your statement that people are equal in their hardware for doing objective logic.

I know that's not a politically correct statement and for some reason you wanna be PC here. : p

But: when it's said that someone doesn't do objective (or formal) logic as much it doesn't mean that they cannot do other approaches to solve tasks... they can.

Like, with creativity, insight, visual thinking, using whatever other abstract conceptual ideas, I don't know. All that can work. Or even a simple physical approach, experientially based approaches or trial and error or even muscle memory can work just as much.

So consider that.

2. You didn't read it where I said that the brain structures do not depend on your biological sex per se, there is a correlation but no more than that.

Gay men being feminine doesn't support or prove your argument fully about the differences - that exist on *average* - between men and women being psychological only or brain structure being software.

There actually are hardware differences in the masculine vs feminine brain. How the fuck are *structural differences* purely software to you?

Go ahead with what you even mean by software really if you see it that way.
Because right now you just use it in some incredibly undefined way.

But also. Please go look up the science on all this.

3. And the other thing you didn't read: I said that the socionics explanations don't hold up. Reread. And yes, socionics does try to explain beyond "what was observed will repeat again", it just doesn't hold up. But we were through this before. You do not want to see that part of socionics. But you don't need to bc it's bogus explanations anyway.