Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
I agree with this. I also personally find it to be a good thing lol. Yes a system that fills in all the gaps explicitly for "why" like @Singu always complains about would be really amazing if it could be possible, but I think it would also take out the fun of understanding people for me. It would also have to get into things like presumptions about people's childhoods and explicitly state universal human values, which would make it seem overly humanistically biased and make it be taken less seriously in the general sense. It makes sense that something like pure Kryptonite for social interactions doesn't exist, and you wouldn't want it to anyway. There's so much to explore and discover in life, love and people.
It's for the simple reason that if you can't explain "why", then you have no idea if it has anything to do with it or not.

Saying that there's a "type" is another way of saying that if someone is a certain way, then there's a very high probability that the person will be acting in the same way in the future. Which may be true.

But that's just an assumption that the person will be acting in the same or similar way in the future. It does in no way explain why he's acting in that way. It's just an attempt at predicting behavior and bypassing having to explain things. And a bad attempt at that, since true prediction isn't just expecting the same past trend to continue. Somebody may suddenly change his mind, and then what? The prediction then becomes impossible.

But you can explain why he changed his mind.