Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
Okay, then show me where the explanations are
Please reread my earlier post for reference to the explanations. This one: https://www.the16types.info/vbulleti...=1#post1351032

and show me how it can be tested in a scientific way.
For example: after operationalising the definitions, have some people typed (according to operationalised criteria) and check interactions between people (again according to operationalised criteria) to see if there is any difference in the interactions between different types according to Socionics ITR predictions. We would not expect it to predict precisely, as many other factors will always be at play too, but we would expect to see significant enough differences. And so you can say if they are there or they are not there.....

Have these people typed independent of the above checking so there is no bias influencing anything.

I was originally also interested in conducting EEG or brain imaging experiments according to predictions of Socionics regarding cognition (this part isn't about ITR). I did devise some experiment design for EEG, I didn't try to do that though. And now I'm no longer interested in the original form... I am still very interested in doing the experiment in another form, i.e. a similar idea, without using any Socionics related model whatsoever, either the original Socionics one or mine or *anything* related whatsoever. I am past that.

When people think of making Socionics "objective" or "scientific", they just think, "Oh, we should just find a way to make typing objective!". But that's not the point.
Well Singu darling you are talking to someone who has done actual scientific experiments

That's like saying we should make taxonomies in biology objective. But if we were to do that, we'd need to analyze the DNA and things like that. And in order to do that, we'd need an explanation of the Darwinian theory of evolution. We'd need to understand that all organisms have a common ancestor, and that things gradually evolved over time, and each species diverged at some point by the pressures of the environment.

And Socionics... doesn't have that kind of theory or an explanation that makes classification possible or "objective".
Again, see my earlier post I linked to above.

By the way, evolution theory is way past the Darwinian version now.