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Thread: Functional accentuations by VG and your health levels

  1. #1
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Default Functional accentuations by VG and your health levels

    1. Ti - L - pedantry (special forethought, strict adherence to the rules, even in small things)
    2. Te - P - stuck (persistent up to fanaticism, bringing the work to the end to the end despite the circumstances and the resistance of others)
    3. Fe- E - demonstrativeness (attracting attention to oneself with reincarnations, extravagant antics and other artistic techniques)
    4. Fi - R - sensitivity (conscientiousness, anxiety, timidity, worries even for nothing,)
    5. Se - F - excitability (increasing aggression up to gross violence in a short moment)
    6. Si - S - astheno-neurotic behavior (irritability in case of forced change of familiar comfortable conditions)
    7. Ne - I - lability (differences in motivation with a large amplitude - from the desire to act immediately to complete indifference to what is happening)
    8. Ni - T - autism (fenced off from the outside world, deep withdrawal of the imagination into the artificial world).
    Accentuated feature is keenly shown, but energetically unbalanced function, forming a stable role in the group. She abruptly and suddenly manifests itself in behavior. What involuntarily pay attention when meet a person. The formal indicator of possible accentuation is considered to be the peak on the graph of the functional profile with low expression of the other functions of the extra / introversion.
    Some accentuation lead to personal problems. A typical problematic case — accentuation to 8th position (in Model G that is your ignoring in Model A Xe<->Xi loop for example Ne<->Ni in case of base Ne).
    This has interesting implications: if Ne base exhibits autistic features it is important to call off that negative cycle and not get supported doing so. Letting go and have something new.
    Similarly when Ni base starts to exhibit ADHD symptoms the person needs to return autistic state and they should close themselves from the world and return to their own special interests.

    Anyway, I tend to find Ni problematic in many cases.
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  2. #2
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    > Te - P - stuck (persistent up to fanaticism, bringing the work to the end to the end despite the circumstances and the resistance of others)

    that is J types (especially J-S) general trait, but not Te specifics
    accentuated Te would be to do by best ways, to make best choices among existent, to know all, etc related

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