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Thread: Patterns in Daydreams

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    Bento's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Patterns in Daydreams

    Can you recognize recurring patterns of action in your (day)dreams?

    An EIE explained proudly that in his dreams and daydreams he would save the world. An SLE said a similar thing. He would be more like a vigilante.
    And I suspect ESIs are martyrs.
    One ESE said she would fight for others, but the opposition would put a damper on her efforts.
    And an IEE has constant nightmares about falling.

    In my opinion, one can also see the patterns of daydreams of a person in reality. Meaning that someone who dreams of saving the world, shows a tendency to sacrifice himself and expects to be rewarded for it. Martyrs often end up in situations where they are losing just because they sacrifice themselves. And my ESE is actually more likely to end up in situations where she ends up feeling deeply misunderstood or unfairly treated and regrets doing anything at all. It is almost as if people unconsciously steer themselves into certain situations.

    How does it look to you?

    edit: "in my opinion" is a bold statement. I got it from the book "What Do You Say After You Say Hello" by Eric Berne, 1975

    From Amazon:
    What Do You Say After You Say Hello? explains what makes the winners win, the losers lose, and the in-betweens so boring... In it, Dr Eric Berne reveals how everyone's life follows a predetermined script - a script they compose for themselves during early childhood. The script may be a sad one, it may be a successful one; it decides how a person will relate to his colleagues, what sort of person he will marry, how many children he will have, and even what sort of bed he will die in...
    Last edited by Bento; 08-04-2019 at 10:12 PM.

  2. #2
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Saving the world is the hero archetype. Thats what Jesus and James Bond did. It anticipates a growth in consciousness.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    daydreams are different than dreams... i daydream about conversations i want to have, and situations i want to have happen, also fantasise about the person i want to be and the life i want to have. i don't fantasise about saving the world.
    my actual dreams are weird and bizarre as hell and they vary a LOT

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    Sex. That's normal, right?

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    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    I constantly play scenarios in my head, scenarios that present a problem to solve. Two types of problem scenarios are typical: a) how to respond to a threat/loss/emergency situation and b) how to respond to an interactional problem (between 2 or more people). I play through how things would likely go, question my assumptions about the people/situation, what would happen if I said/did X, how would I likely respond if s/he said/did Y, or what kind of advice would better suit the particular context and participants than the first that comes to mind, etc. After exchanging childhood stories with someone recently, I realized that I've been doing this since I was a young child.

    In my younger years my other daydreams involved short snippets of someone telling me they loved me or wanted me (in a nonsexual manner). Anytime the imaginary person would say/suggest compliments about my intelligence, I would quickly discount it and the daydream would be tainted. My relationship with R has given me enough self-value that I no longer crave someone loving/wanting me, even in imaginary scenarios in which he's not in my life anymore.
    Last edited by anndelise; 08-05-2019 at 07:36 PM.
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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I daydream about having a life that is pretty much exactly like the one I have, but more of everything. More work, more vacations, more time, more knowledge, more power.*

    I assume these are the dreams of an e8; "The World Is Not Enough."

    When I dream of a partner, I dream of having a quiet life in a small house where we have carved out a safe haven of peace and beauty, from which we can make regular trips to interesting destinations. This is probably the LIE part.

    *What might seem surprising is that I don't daydream about having more money. I have enough for my basic needs, and getting more than that has never been a priority. It happens, but I don't think about it much. Getting enough money to meet my basic needs was a huge priority when I didn't have that much, but I'm mostly OK right now.

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    My favorite dreams, which aren't uncommon, are the adventures with a legitimate plot. About half the time, I'm clearly myself. About a third of the time I'm a male character (I've been Robin Hood and Thor). And sometimes who I am is irrelevant.
    And I often do end up the martyr. I've died in a few dreams. And if that happens, the other characters aren't likely to give much notice. But those are good dreams.
    The worst dreams are the ones with no discernible plot that are just a mess.
    Daydreams are uncommon but are generally imagining a dangerous scenario where I sacrifice for friends.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    mindless Aeris's Avatar
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    Like India, having conversations, like anndelise, solving problems. Also possible disasters, I realized the worst the crap I imagine, the better the actual outcome seems. I have romantic daydreams once in a blue moon, I consider possible paths and where they may lead, sometimes, my brain split people, things into "slices of time" e.a. for a person, newborn, baby, child, teen... up to where they are now. Fairly weird to be sitting on a balcony while your mind is looking at people building the structure of the place.
    My momery contains two layers, the actual sensorial memory and where my mind went at the time, and this latter thing is not easy to explain nor express, like you're having a conversation with someone but in you're head you're both dance a stiff waltz and the curtains catch on fire. Words cannot grasp fully any mental imagery.
    I also go back and try to follow paths of what might have lead where.
    I don't have daydreams about saving the world, but people learning to save themselves, some have rougher paths than others.
    That's not even all, I live in my head.

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    I daydream about freeing people from the constraints of the world, from conflicts & hardships, from things they don't need or want. Guess I just want to lend a helping hand, though sometimes this gets me in trouble -- sometimes my help isn't needed! Then I stop and think about what else I can do for the world, and the people in it. And the pattern repeats..

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revelation View Post
    I daydream about freeing people from the constraints of the world
    Is that a threat?!

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  12. #12
    ouronis's Avatar
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    My dreams involve reacting to crazy shit people or the world puts me through as a common theme.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Is that a threat?!
    Lol. When I'm married, I have this dream of building an empire - to support my family, my in-law's family, and their friends and any of their friends, etc. so that they don't have to worry about work or housing or anything like that, I want to make sure everyone is nice and settled and happy! ^_^

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    My favorite dreams, which aren't uncommon, are the adventures with a legitimate plot. About half the time, I'm clearly myself. About a third of the time I'm a male character (I've been Robin Hood and Thor). And sometimes who I am is irrelevant.
    And I often do end up the martyr. I've died in a few dreams. And if that happens, the other characters aren't likely to give much notice. But those are good dreams.
    The worst dreams are the ones with no discernible plot that are just a mess.
    Daydreams are uncommon but are generally imagining a dangerous scenario where I sacrifice for friends.
    My dreams are similar. Roughly a third of the time I’m myself, a third an other man, and a third an other woman — and I also have a tendency to die. My best dreams have intricate and surreal plots.

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Roughly a third of the time I’m myself, a third an other man, and a third an other woman
    A-hah! I'm not the only one.
    I've asked people before, and they never were the opposite gender in dreams.

    What's amusing is that I watched Wonder Woman before bed.
    And she's a female superhero who is actually a goddess.
    Well, that was the night I dreamed I was Thor: a male superhero who is actually a god.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    A-hah! I'm not the only one.
    I've asked people before, and they never were the opposite gender in dreams.

    What's amusing is that I watched Wonder Woman before bed.
    And she's a female superhero who is actually a goddess.
    Well, that was the night I dreamed I was Thor: a male superhero who is actually a god.
    Really! Well, I wonder if it’s because some people have a stronger self-image, and, particularly, gender identity/expression than others. I feel I’m probably more mentally unconnected in a sense with my physical body/self than most people.

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    endless flow, hard to even explain

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    I have a very poor memory (ADD) but I do daydream constantly. I see a stormy coast on a dark night, the waves are crashing against the rocks, coated by silky weed - I think I am looking westward out towards the sea - and the sky is alive with furious patterns, the clouds swirl and contort in anger as if they are fighting to expel excess. Then the picture dissolves and I see an anime-like caricature, a bunny, maybe a couple cherub like creatures dancing and singing in a nasal manner, wait! They have pom-poms. La, la la-la they go. Then that happy picture vanishes, and the room goes dark, back into three dimensions and black and white, save for the color red on a woman's lips...her smile is seductive but something is amiss. That picture seems to become and more magnified, as her face, her smile consume more and more of my world, those lips become my entire reality, and then I start to fall, dissolving into the floor, crying out in a silent scream as my limbs bend and contort uncontrollably. Then silence.

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    I also see myself either in a well, a cell, or a tunnel, gazing towards a light, some holy light that seems just within reach...but just as I move to touch it, I am denied. It vanishes, the picture shatters into shards and I hear the most awful, demonic laughter. The jeers, and taunts, and hysterical joy of a group of people kicking me and beating me, leading me, a prisoner to the stake while a crowd mobs and screams, pelting me with stones.

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    it's a while I don't dream of any recurring themes, but in general I have a few:

    - falling (this used to be big when I was a teen)
    - flying
    - driving on a road that gets incredible dangerous and with impossible uphills

    and now I dream of my mum pretty much every second day... it gives me a lot of strength when I wake up

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    This, really. Daydreaming is most of what i do, if this generality can even be called a daydream. A constant, ever-flowing submersion into an indivisibility of sensory and imaginary rivers, converging and separating. Images rise and flow away, ''thoughts arrive like butterflies'', i never seem to grasp them before they slip away. Building a castle of sand at the edge of the sea is my trying to construct a multifaceted, coherent thought-structure. Makes me think i am stupid sometimes. My interests merely consist of a latent, yet stubborn fire pointing towards certain recurring themes and images, sensory things warped and molded, made into property, absorbed and clasped by the membrane. This state has been most of my waking existence and sustains my tranquility of mind, how banal and inoffensive it may seem. These circular visits to certain images, themes and states within this meta-state may seem calm and balanced, but, depending on the situation, may become hurried and fiery, causing some sort of slipping into the external world through sudden action and excitability, quickly receeding again. There is no ''real'' balance here, the balance is in the constant, cyclical preference of images and imbalance of perspective, being Tigris and Euphrates, not the Nile.

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    Fantasies/day dreams where you save people from a dangerous situation and then everybody likes you for it, seem to be really common but I think realistically most people would just freeze up or run away, cuz y'know real life is different than fantasies lol. And I think people would also only like you if you lost something while doing it, like a foot or an arm- a true sacrifice, otherwise they wouldn't be so nice to you. idk maybe thats too dark/cynical or not completely true but thats what it feels like to me, like soccer moms only like the beta male loser for being a hero because he truly lost something he can never get back. But ... this prolly isn't as bad a thing as I'm making it sound. It *is* incredibly assholeish-y and safely too pussy-ish to just keep "saving" people when there's no real risking your own skin for it, ya know. Chicks dig scars man.

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    I just keep dreaming of my first first love of when I was 12 ç__ç I saw him last night too (I know, wrong thread)

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    Two nights ago, I had a dream that Flora Fishbach slapped and then kissed me thrice.

    No, I don't want to find out what it could mean. Suppression please.

    In most of my dreams, I can turn into a bird and fly. The happy ones, at least. I see dreams as a fount of inspiration, but I don't put much weight on their metaphysical properties.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    I almost never have dreams. I used to daydream a lot, though. It would almost always be about what I would do if I were omnipotent. The world would be a much more fun and pleasant place for nearly everyone in it. For one thing, I would set up a special boarding school for gods. It would essentially be an art school--we would go there to learn how to use our powers to create various realities.

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    I can think of a few. It happens so fast and seems to hit me unaware, so it’s hard to catch.

    1. Associative images ->I have a lot of moving associative images that flicker in my mind like a tv screen. For instance, yesterday I was thinking I’ve been wearing my hair back a lot because the baby likes to tear out my hair, so I thought I should start braiding it instead because I have a lot of breakage. And then I thought I should start braiding my daughters hair again, and Images started flickering in my head of how I’d braid her hair, and then images from the movie hunger games (when they were braiding their hair in the beginning), memories of my mom braiding my hair, past photographs of my hair braided. Different braids I’ve seen in various places. It was like I googled hair braiding in my head, my own individual associated search engine and it just kept going.
    2. Planning/Decorating/Dreamy idealized situations-> I was thinking that I needed to get the baby new a car seat the other day, so I googled those and was imaging her in different car seats, in different cars. I looked at my trees and thought I’d like to decorate them, and imagined them with orbs, or then with lights, icicles, ways I could decorate. I looked at my roses and thought of a scene from a book and imagined more flower sprouting forth and my daughters playing in them. I thought of building a raised garden bed. I imagined going to get supplies, all of us working together to make it, of all the places I could put it. I saw the trees moving in the breeze and imagined more trees and more breeze in a clearing. These can also tie in with or become associative images.
    3. What people are doing-> I imagine what I believe people I know are doing right now, kind of like keeping tabs on them. What they are likely to do next, and how long it will likely take. This also plays a huge part in how I estimate how long I believe something will take.
    4. Conversations-> I think of things I would like to say or plan on saying and how they are likely to receive it. I think of myself in certain situations with different people and what it would be like.

    I do daydream about defending people sometimes if I feel like it’s someone I care about. Avenging daydreams. Sometimes I do want to save people from others or themselves.

    Last edited by Aster; 08-12-2019 at 02:54 PM.
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