Quote Originally Posted by Spermatozoa View Post
To be frank, it is better for the environment just to burn your organic (read: carbon-based) waste. I despair at how many people seem to think they're doing the world a favor by recycling their cardboard and plastic, which in reality means it mostly ends up in a landfill or disposed of at sea, where it simply accumulates, slowly degrades and in the meanwhile takes up space that could be better used for something else. This isn't even accounting for all the food that people throw out to rot. Just burn baby, burn.

Recycling should be strictly for inorganics, like glass and metals which can be melted down again and re-used.
Well cardboard is almost 100% recyclable, over 90% of raw material used to make cardboard is from recycled cardboard, and there's shortage of cardboard due to an explosion of growth in online shopping, so you should probably recycle cardboard.

But plastic isn't really recyclable and recycled consumer plastic is almost worthless, so as you said it gets dumped into the ocean, so it's probably a waste of time to recycle plastic. Or better yet, just don't use plastic in the first place.