Quote Originally Posted by Kim bell View Post
Yeah I do agree that banning straws is pretty insulting to nature and to those with half a brain. It's like going over to someone's house, totally trashing it, and then deciding you'll make things right by pulling out a couple weeds from their garden- the same garden that you also dumped a ton of salt in the night before. Not going to make that much of a difference.
So, do you practice what you preach?
What's your enneagram type, stacking?
My old town recycled bulk trash at the recycling plant.
New city no idea. Hot desert climate in AZ. Even roadkill turns to permanent meat jerky. Can't remember when I last tossed out metal, maybe trace amounts in busted USB cords. Go thru tons of paper and plastic. Workplace uses lotsa multi-ply plastic, non-recyclable. Recyclable #2 HDPE sometimes, which is hell to work with; melts all over the machine, onto itself, thru thin and hard-to-reach tracks; can take hrs to fix; pounds of off-model product go straight to the dumpster.

Stripped my ideals down to thrive-and-let-thrive may we grow
9w8 works best, no strong stack afaik.