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Thread: Si PoLr in ENTj and ENFj Misconceptions

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Default Si PoLr in ENTj and ENFj Misconceptions

    I know there are many threads on this topic, I've read them, but there is something I need help understanding. This is mostly to do with my confusion with what Si is supposed to be in socionics.

    This is taken from Wikisocion:

    Introverted sensing () is an irrational, introverted, and dynamic information element. It is also referred to as Si, S, experiential sensing, or white sensing.

    Si is associated with the ability to internalize sensations and to experience them in full detail.

    Si focuses on tangible, direct (external) connections (introverted) between processes (dynamic) happening in one time, i.e. the physical, sensual experience of interactions between objects. This leads to an awareness of internal tangible physical states and how various physical fluctuations or substances are directly transferred between objects, such as motion, temperature, or dirtiness. The awareness of these tangible physical processes consequently leads to an awareness of health or an optimum balance with one's environment. The individual physical reaction to concrete surroundings is the main way we perceive and define aesthetics, comfort, convenience, and pleasure.

    In contrast to extroverted sensing Se, Si is related to following one's own needs instead of focusing on some externally-driven conception of what is necessary to acquire or achieve. So, whereas Se ego types feel capable to evaluate how justified others' preferences are, Si ego types will try to adjust to them in any way possible (given that it does not extremely affect their own comfort), wishing to minimize conflict.
    In contrast to introverted intuition Ni, Si is about direct interaction and unity (or discord) with one's surroundings, rather than abstract process and causal links.
    Types that value Si prefer to spend their time doing enjoyable activities rather than straining themselves to achieve goals. They like to believe that if activities are done with enjoyment, people will give them more effort and time, and also becoming more skilled at what they are doing in the long run. They believe that goals should suit people's intrinsic needs rather than shaped by the demands and constraints of the external world, and so do not try to force others into doing things they don't want to do. They also try to be easygoing and pleasant, preferring peaceful coexistence to conflict, except when their personal well-being or comfort is directly at stake.

    This line, in particular, stuck out to me.

    "The individual physical reaction to concrete surroundings is main way we perceive and define aesthetics, comfort, convenience, and pleasure."

    This is generally seen as the function of aesthetic taste, how these sense perceptions affect a person internally. Si doms from what I read seem to be conscious of some consistency of bodily sensations, meaning they know when to take a break from work best or when they are coming down with an illness.

    Another description of Si is a momentary "here and now" leisurely approach to life.

    So what does it look like when you have Si as the vulnerable function?

    ENTjs dress like they're homeless? ENFjs are useless when it comes to practical day-to-day details? However, I don't disagree with this but I have a problem with it regardless since Si is actually used in a lot of things both of these types will likely engage in.

    ENFJs I think would care a great deal about aesthetics, however. If you have ever heard of the phrase "Beauty is pain", that sounds like an ENFj approach to aesthetics to me. I think its a pretty normal goal for an ENFj to want to be beautiful, not dress tacky or like a clown and be laughed at.

    Both of these types may join a gentlemen's club and/or become enthusiasts for whiskey, wine, cigars, or gourmet cooking. To these types this is not for the sake of leisure this is a way to network and/or show off their refined nature in some way. Both of these types can have quite refined tastes and a great sense of aesthetics, but it will be all learned painstakingly and for some Ni future goal, never for an Si enjoyment.

    What do you all think? Agree or disagree?

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    Si polr to me always seems like the person can't internally relax in a way, in LIE it comes off as more the person is too much of an overly assertive businessman douche and EIE it comes off as the person is kind of eternally insecure. You can complicate it more but that's how it basically comes across.

    They believe that goals should suit people's intrinsic needs rather than shaped by the demands and constraints of the external world, and so do not try to force others into doing things they don't want to do.

    That sounds more like an IP temperament trait than Si valuing in specific. Si-egos are actually often quite worldly... and will kind of passively aggressively want other people to morph into the demands of the external world even if they aren't directly bossy about it like a LSE or LIE would be. And they might be quite disappointed if another person can't adapt to the outside world good enough, but it's hard to see because they are very mediative like. I also think what you just said... anybody who isn't a moron understands that goals need to be intrinsically motivated no matter who you are or they are not going to work. So it's mostly NTR, with IPs mentally masturbating over the point.

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    my LIE bestie used to sew horripilant cosplay stuff

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    So it's mostly NTR, with IPs mentally masturbating over the point.
    What do you mean by NTR?

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    NTR = Not type related.

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    Oh yes, I think I agree with you. I think its probably sufficient then to say that people with polr Si can't relax and may not tend to daily in the moment activities, for simplistically sake.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    my LIE bestie used to sew horripilant cosplay stuff
    Everyone needs a hobby

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Both eie and lie can enjoy aestetics for just the sake of it. Thats because aestetics is far broader than just Si.

    When we say that Si is about aestetics its just a hint, that needs to be more developed and specified. Its not a definition.
    Last edited by Tallmo; 08-03-2019 at 11:50 AM.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    With respect to Si, when I'm not in my work costume, my SLI son tells me that I dress like a homeless person. Maybe it's because I typically dress in whatever is handy, and most of my non-work clothes were bought on trips or on impulse.

    I think my grandfather was LIE and my grandmother was ESI, because she VI's like an ESI and he VI's somewhere between LIE and SLE. I was sorting through her old photos and I ran across a pair of photos of him. She had written on one "Before" and on the other, "After". In the "Before" picture, he was wearing a suit and tie that had obviously been very well-tailored, and in the "After" picture, he was dressed for gardening in a wife-beater T-shirt and some ragged baggy pants that might have been held up by a rope belt. A very Eastern European peasant look. Very Czech.
    I think the pictures were taken twenty minutes apart, because he'd come home from work, change his clothes, and would head straight out to the garden to work until it got dark.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 08-03-2019 at 02:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    With respect to Si, when I'm not in my work costume, my SLI son tells me that I dress like a homeless person. Maybe it's because I typically dress in whatever is handy, and most of my non-work clothes were bought on trips or on impulse.
    I don’t think I’ve ever been compared to a homeless person, but my behavior re. clothing seems similar. I think on some level I like the idea of looking presentable, but ultimately I’m just not inclined to spend more than thirty seconds fussing about it. My wardrobe such as it is consists of monochromatic T-shirts, jeans, and shorts. And in the heat I wear Crocs — they’re confortable and easy to wear! I don’t brush my hair or fold my clothes properly, so they’re always wrinkled. And my clothes are generally a bit baggy.

    I wonder if there’s a meaningful difference in appearance-investment between Si PoLRs and people who have low valued Si.

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    For me, Si PoLR is more about being out of touch and out of sync with the inner workings of my body as far as when I'm hungry, tired, ill, injured > my entire life, I've burned myself so frequently when removing things from a stove top/oven or washing my hands under hot water because my body takes an extra beat to realize that it's burning. WTF. I'll go an entire day and by the end of it, will have a scratch or scar or something I never felt happen.

    I also don't have that Si form of "empathy" that allows me to know to what degree someone else is "balanced" or "comfy" or "well" and so I feel kinda insecure when I have to cater and host other people, unaided and by myself. I'll definitely try very hard to make others feel comfortable by being hypervigilant in watching their body language (Se) but I'll be consistently doubting myself and worrying that I'm doing something inadequate. One thing I notice about ESEs and SEIs in particular is that I believe I make them uneasy because I will refuse their Si "empathy"; they'll want me to have a seat, put my feet up, sit back, stop pacing, have something to drink probably because they can tell I'm generally a hot ass mess and that I can't readily discern for myself when I need to do exactly what they suggest. And I tend to think that my refusal makes them feel uneasy themselves or disrupts their own Si. I dunno. @Tallmo have you ever experienced that before?

    As far as clothing, I don't like to look like a vagabond outside of the house--I think that's more of a mobilizing Se thing > at the very least, I like to look very smart, pulled together, like I'm on top of shit, like I got some power and success in my pocket; but as far as my own personal comfort, I prefer to wear high end athleisure when I have to run errands or be out and about. I really admire Si refinement and attention to detail; I'm good at noticing/critiquing it in others but not so good at trusting my own instincts regarding myself, even though I think it ultimately turns out alright. Push comes to shove, I just buy high quality, expensive stuff and pray that gets me over the threshhold in lieu of perfectly exquisite style. lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I don’t think I’ve ever been compared to a homeless person, but my behavior re. clothing seems similar. I think on some level I like the idea of looking presentable, but ultimately I’m just not inclined to spend more than thirty seconds fussing about it. My wardrobe such as it is consists of monochromatic T-shirts, jeans, and shorts. And in the heat I wear Crocs — they’re confortable and easy to wear! I don’t brush my hair or fold my clothes properly, so they’re always wrinkled. And my clothes are generally a bit baggy.

    I wonder if there’s a meaningful difference in appearance-investment between Si PoLRs and people who have low valued Si.
    I can be quite off but people just have good time when they see me wearing shirt inside out and socks that come from different pair.. or when they see that I forgot my socks.. or shoe laces that are not tied.. or shoe soles that are about to come off.. or knit cap that is quite twisted.. or when I'm telling to LSI that my lab coat just increases my street cred.

    I wonder what is the tipping point between Si suggestive and PoLR.
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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    One thing I notice about ESEs and SEIs in particular is that I believe I make them uneasy because I will refuse their Si "empathy"; they'll want me to have a seat, put my feet up, sit back, stop pacing, have something to drink probably because they can tell I'm generally a hot ass mess and that I can't readily discern for myself when I need to do exactly what they suggest. And I tend to think that my refusal makes them feel uneasy themselves or disrupts their own Si. I dunno. @Tallmo have you ever experienced that before?
    I don't think I have, but I don't really try to provide comfort to others either. Maybe ESE does it? I see it more as a secondary behaviour in SEI. They are interested in comfort/impressions so it makes sense to try to be more social about it, but often it's much more natural for SEI to not really do anything about it. Sensations just remain on the inside and nothing happens.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I think it's wrong that socionics presents polr as like this crippling, massive weak point. In reality it's more like something only the holder is insecure about, and Hidden Agenda makes up for it most of the time. We can choose how we interact with the world and choose to grow if we want lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I think it's wrong that socionics presents polr as like this crippling, massive weak point. In reality it's more like something only the holder is insecure about, and Hidden Agenda makes up for it most of the time. We can choose how we interact with the world and choose to grow if we want lol.
    I think it's conveniant to many people to have a thing to blame if things don't go their way or they don't like doing something.

    About low unvalued Si, I find repulsive to be told stuff like: have a seat, want something to drink, etc... I don't know why, but it makes me want to go away, where whether I sit or stand doesn't matter and I don't have to care about this aspect of life, where it doesn't seem as if someone is trying to shove food in my face. It keeps me from knowing whether I need something or not.
    As a teen, I started thinking my body must have been made uncomfortable, which is also a sentence in EIE's Si PoLR description somewhere. I feel pain sharply, I have the impression of getting burnt way before the temperature is actualy high enough to cause damage, so I have to be careful. I think of this as my body's attempt at protecting me... but when the pillow hurts my head from being too "hard", it's quite annoying.
    I remember this ESE who said I'd be good as an interior desinger, no, just no. I can do that but having to decorate everyday would be a torture. I know enough of timeless style to go around looking good if I want to, but this is knowledge I felt obligated to learn, not a natural inclination, plus I hate people looking at me... they do regardless, but at least they don't talk to me if I don't dress above a certain standard.
    I can't breath consciouly, you know like in meditation things "to feel breath down to your toes" "take deep breaths"... if I think about how I'm breathing, I sort of choke, become breathless, I feel strain around the diaphragm, it feel like there's some hole in the middle of my abdomen, my throat feels tight, it's atrocious.
    I know some SEI who loves having her little comfy nest that she keeps to herself, I'm more into having a place where I do whatever I want and no one is allowed. It's the same thing in essence: a private place at the liking of who uses it, but it's done, told differently.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lilac tenebris View Post
    I think it's conveniant to many people to have a thing to blame if things don't go their way or they don't like doing something.

    About low unvalued Si, I find repulsive to be told stuff like: have a seat, want something to drink, etc... I don't know why, but it makes me want to go away, where whether I sit or stand doesn't matter and I don't have to care about this aspect of life, where it doesn't seem as if someone is trying to shove food in my face. It keeps me from knowing whether I need something or not.
    As a teen, I started thinking my body must have been made uncomfortable, which is also a sentence in EIE's Si PoLR description somewhere. I feel pain sharply, I have the impression of getting burnt way before the temperature is actualy high enough to cause damage, so I have to be careful. I think of this as my body's attempt at protecting me... but when the pillow hurts my head from being too "hard", it's quite annoying.
    I remember this ESE who said I'd be good as an interior desinger, no, just no. I can do that but having to decorate everyday would be a torture. I know enough of timeless style to go around looking good if I want to, but this is knowledge I felt obligated to learn, not a natural inclination, plus I hate people looking at me... they do regardless, but at least they don't talk to me if I don't dress above a certain standard.
    I can't breath consciouly, you know like in meditation things "to feel breath down to your toes" "take deep breaths"... if I think about how I'm breathing, I sort of choke, become breathless, I feel strain around the diaphragm, it feel like there's some hole in the middle of my abdomen, my throat feels tight, it's atrocious.
    I know some SEI who loves having her little comfy nest that she keeps to herself, I'm more into having a place where I do whatever I want and no one is allowed. It's the same thing in essence: a private place at the liking of who uses it, but it's done, told differently.
    I just imagined you buying ice cream, locking yourself up in a room with it, waiting for it to melt, and then licking it off the floor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I just imagined you buying ice cream, locking yourself up in a room with it, waiting for it to melt, and then licking it off the floor.
    Eh, not far from truth honestly, but I let it melt in a bowl, much easier to scoop up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lilac tenebris View Post
    Eh, not far from truth honestly, but I let it melt in a bowl, much easier to scoop up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post

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    I think stereotypical descriptions of Si polr are correct, to some extent, but not useful for type identification. There will be an internal disregard for Si-related information but, like OP said, "it will be all learned painstakingly and for some Ni future goal, never for an Si enjoyment". So xIEs can look decent (even good) on these matters because they have something in mind. Most concise example I can think is wanting to sleep late everyday but knowing it affects my mood and productivity drastically, so I must keep a schedule. It doesn't come naturally at all.

    I don't know entirely how it would show up in EIEs, but I think for LIEs you can find out about their unawareness of Si by revisiting a situation you lived with them and comparing how different their own description and the description from the observer are. They'll mention thinking they were relaxed when they clearly looked anxious to others, or the opposite, they rationalize that they're anxious and relate feeling it but no one on the outside thought this about them. Or even, I was watching videos of myself (self recorded and random videos taken by other people) in which I thought I was behaving in a relaxed and chatty way, only to notice now I looked like a deadpan robot the entire time. This one might not apply as well to EIEs due to them being ethical though but there should be a way to translate this for them lol.

    What I mentioned could just be weak Si in general, but the valuing/unvaluing thing would be the key here. IxEs will display their desire for having someone take care of the Si matters for them, but I think they look WAY worse at doing/using than xIEs. I'd say the expectation that their dual will take care of it makes them just don't deal with Si actively. xIEs on the other hand, again, due to their self interests that come from other functions (mainly Ni) will feel the need to do the Si stuff and put it out of their way, plus all the rational x irrational thing. This will be done in a very mechanical and/or questionable way considering the aspect of relying only on the experience dimensionality, so there'll also be inflexible patterns. For introverts, IxIs will be way more passive about it and I think they're apparently (not factually) worse than xIEs too. They have an easier time relaxing, but they'll never discuss Si matters with you because they "understand it enough" (Si role). Not having HA Se lowers drastically their chances of coming into situations that would require good usage of Si. xIIs just cozier, decent enough in Si matters and they clearly look like they enjoy and want it.

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    I found out an EIE friend of mine drinks strong coffee in the mornings on an empty stomach, then has her first meal of the day in the late afternoon.

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    > This is mostly to do with my confusion with what Si is supposed to be in socionics.

    Subjective evaluation of physical traits. Examples: feeling of physical comfort/pleasure/pain, esthetics.

    No difference of Si representation between EN*J. Difference can be secondary when the behavior is under influence of other functions.
    F tends to influence emotionally. So to meet not pretty (Si) extraordinare look from ENFJ is more possible. ENTJ will be more conservative but may also be inappropriate as to wear sporty style for business meeting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > This is mostly to do with my confusion with what Si is supposed to be in socionics.

    Subjective evaluation of physical traits. Examples: feeling of physical comfort/pleasure/pain, esthetics.

    No difference of Si representation between EN*J. Difference can be secondary when the behavior is under influence of other functions.
    F tends to influence emotionally. So to meet not pretty (Si) extraordinare look from ENFJ is more possible. ENTJ will be more conservative but may also be inappropriate as to wear sporty style for business meeting.
    Those leather shoes are awful to begin with, but combined with the track pants and hat.. yikes.

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    I view Si as a state of attention towards concrete details in the surrounding environment. Ni and Si conflict because Ni wants to daydream while Si demand's to pay attention to your surroundings makes that impossible. Ni egos typically dislike things like cooking because an activity that like forces attention away from mental wonderings, unless you want burnt food.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromorph View Post
    I view Si as a state of attention towards concrete details in the surrounding environment. Ni and Si conflict because Ni wants to daydream while Si demand's to pay attention to your surroundings makes that impossible. Ni egos typically dislike things like cooking because an activity that like forces attention away from mental wonderings, unless you want burnt food.
    Si is not concrete details but focusing on the deeper sense impression developing. It's introverted so strictly speaking it is not about the objective world. But it is still sensing and it conficts with Ni.
    Si is the sensory equivalent of daydreaming. "Meditating" on the sense impression and letting it develop on the inside.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    I found out an EIE friend of mine drinks strong coffee in the mornings on an empty stomach, then has her first meal of the day in the late afternoon.
    I have had times when I wake up drink tons of cola then eat around/ 17/5pm for the first time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Si is not concrete details but focusing on the deeper sense impression developing. It's introverted so strictly speaking it is not about the objective world. But it is still sensing and it conficts with Ni.
    Si is the sensory equivalent of daydreaming. "Meditating" on the sense impression and letting it develop on the inside.
    Hmmm I'm kinda struggling to comprehend what "focusing on deeper sense impression developing" means exactly tbh. Examples so maybe I can understand what you are trying to get at better?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromorph View Post
    Hmmm I'm kinda struggling to comprehend what "focusing on deeper sense impression developing" means exactly tbh. Examples so maybe I can understand what you are trying to get at better?
    In foul language terms, Si is chill physical masturbation and Ni is mental masturbation.

    Si won't be directly paying attention to their surroundings, which is more congruent with Se, but rather if they feel pleased by what is around them, their internal perception. (I'm not really a fan of relating Si to "pleasantness" but I lack a better word.) They're just taking things from the environment rather than acting on it in a direct way. Si dominant types can actually look very absent-minded but they don't look like daydreamers. For example, if they're prone to being into a fearful and dangerous situation, their reaction is to just physically remove themselves, rather than directly confronting the issue, like an Se type would. I work with an SEI, and he's just got this vibe of not having much going on inside his mind, which can bother me a lot but is also admirable. He lacks ambition on any sense, you never see him moving pieces to get things happen. His desk is just very neat even though he's not always cleaning it, whereas I'll clean mine at least once every two weeks and it just always looks messy. He's an organized guy but this has no purpose at all. He has a notebook in which he takes notes but all his notes are ?? this ain't important at all. It's the kind of thing you know he does it for the sake of taking a note, like he takes pleasure from the activity. He'll talk about daily matters, about going to the beach, spending time with his family etc. When I was getting to know him he told me about how he'd go to the supermarket with his girlfriend and how she'd manage to make him pay for things he didn't want/need, mostly food, and he didn't see any issues in it because it was pleasant stuff and he never confronted her on it.

    Si creative types, they'll have their "agenda" coming from their dominant function, but they'll not step in anybody shoes to get it accomplished, in a sense. There's no anxiety about it, they're fine with step-by-step actions and they don't try to hurry, and there's an importance to doing steps that they personally enjoy. Si Ejs are somewhat inflexible but in different ways from Ni Ejs. It's not in a behavioral sense, but rather that you'll see them doing things they've done in the past before again waiting for a different outcome. They do it because they know the way it was done before didn't bring any unpleasantness, even if it didn't make them go forward enough. It's the thing of going back to what is known. I lack of good examples for this one though.

    Ni is very hard to identify through actions, it's easier knowing it's there by the lack of something, or maybe by talking to them. Ni dominant types will look inert but they don't have a relaxing vibe. When you get to talk to them, you see glimpses of their mental activity, which is the Ni thing, mentalization of ideas and situations, although they'll be unable to show you the entire picture. Si is more empty-headed, quite literal in a sense. Ni people can look as if they "worry" about Si when you get in the way of their little routines, they just have the need for their "free-time" to think and do their stuff, but it's way different from Si because they're not worried about their surroundings and the pleasantness, they just want to be free to be absent. Kind of like forgetting they exist in the real world. They're way more assertive to when put into unpleasant situations, way more aggressive and to the point. I haven't acknowledged any IEIs in my daily life so far but I have a couple ILI examples. My father just spends the entire day at home doing "chill" stuff but it's for the sake of what is going on in his mind. He watches a lot of TV shows, but he's constantly analyzing what he sees, instead of just passively absorbing the visual images. My calculus teacher has a very strict routine of when students can go to his room talk to him because he doesn't want to be fucking bothered. He's very quiet, but when you ask him an inquisitive question you get a turmoil of information that keeps adding up so he can make his point. He's very preoccupied with punctuality, much like my SEI co-worker, but the SEI does it because he wants to avoid conflict and because it diminishes the chances of having unexpected outcomes. My teacher just uses it as an excuse to get people out of his way and he can be way more inflexible about this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr provocateur View Post
    I have had times when I wake up drink tons of cola then eat around/ 17/5pm for the first time.
    Reading that made me want to vomit. Having nothing but coffee is bad enough... but cola? Dude... why? How do you still have teeth? How do you drink fizzy drinks on damn empty stomach? That would drive me insane.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Reading that made me want to vomit. Having nothing but coffee is bad enough... but cola? Dude... why? How do you still have teeth? How do you drink fizzy drinks on damn empty stomach? That would drive me insane.
    Sometimes I'll wake up late and not have time to make coffee, plus my coffee pot will be dirty. But I'll have an energy drink bottle in my fridge, so one thing just leads to another...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    Sometimes I'll wake up late and not have time to make coffee, plus my coffee pot will be dirty. But I'll have an energy drink bottle in my fridge, so one thing just leads to another...
    There was this dude on my music course, who I suspect was Ni/Se valuing and he loved energy drinks. Everytime I saw him, he had one.

    I get your line of reasoning but I like bitter things. I think that energy drinks are too sweet for me. Too sweet in general, so coffee it is. I'd probably stay behind and clean my pot of grab a coffee on the way to work just to have some. Can't do without it in the mornings lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    There was this dude on my music course, who I suspect was Ni/Se valuing and he loved energy drinks. Everytime I saw him, he had one.

    I get your line of reasoning but I like bitter things. I think that energy drinks are too sweet for me. Too sweet in general, so coffee it is. I'd probably stay behind and clean my pot of grab a coffee on the way to work just to have some. Can't do without it in the mornings lol.
    Big coffee drinker here too, seems to keep me from ever getting migraines. As a rule I try to avoid ever drinking soda, I always buy sparkling water instead for my fizz needs. I rely heavily on ready-to-eat food and eating out for sustenance as I have absolutely zero patience for preparing and cooking food.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Reading that made me want to vomit. Having nothing but coffee is bad enough... but cola? Dude... why? How do you still have teeth? How do you drink fizzy drinks on damn empty stomach? That would drive me insane.
    No sugar... Sometimes I have felt bit driven over by something heavy.
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    generally two restless types that find it difficult to relax. always have to be involved in something, be it with friends (Fe) or work (Te). do not notice when they are sick or tired, can easily exhaust themselves. have very poor awareness of the processes in their body, for example, wonder why they have a growling stomach while ignoring that they haven't eaten anything all day.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromorph View Post
    Big coffee drinker here too, seems to keep me from ever getting migraines. As a rule I try to avoid ever drinking soda, I always buy sparkling water instead for my fizz needs. I rely heavily on ready-to-eat food and eating out for sustenance as I have absolutely zero patience for preparing and cooking food.
    Yeah, sparkling water and plain water are both good and yeah, me too lol. I can barely make tasty noodles.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr provocateur View Post
    No sugar... Sometimes I have felt bit driven over by something heavy.
    My Uncle is a diabetic and I don't know how he drinks sugar-free cola. To me, it tastes too artificial. If, and when I am having it, it HAS to be "full fat" (all sugar, no artificial sweetners, they make me feel slow and crap).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromorph View Post
    Hmmm I'm kinda struggling to comprehend what "focusing on deeper sense impression developing" means exactly tbh. Examples so maybe I can understand what you are trying to get at better?
    Sensations dont come from the concrete environment alone but also from the response from the nervous system and unconscious. Si focuses on the latter. If it is very strong it becomes almost an inner sensory world of its own, but mostly its mixed up with the overall sense experience.

    Does this make it more clear?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Sensations dont come from the concrete environment alone but also from the response from the nervous system and unconscious. Si focuses on the latter. If it is very strong it becomes almost an inner sensory world of its own, but mostly its mixed up with the overall sense experience.

    Does this make it more clear?
    There is this case of autism. Could you say that this presents a case of lack of sensing abstraction. Heightened immediacy seems to be very prevalent. Seems to be role function related stress point.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    My Uncle is a diabetic and I don't know how he drinks sugar-free cola. To me, it tastes too artificial. If, and when I am having it, it HAS to be "full fat" (all sugar, no artificial sweetners, they make me feel slow and crap).
    Yeah. Anyways my habits are strange. It consists points of direct avoidance and neglect. I have never cared to have a lunch during a workday. I have protested against lunch-breaks at school etc because it just seemed to waste time and they served food that I didn't like which meant that I'd rather skip it entirely. I think it messes up my daily rhythm and concentration.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr provocateur View Post
    Yeah. Anyways my habits are strange. It consists points of direct avoidance and neglect. I have never cared to have a lunch during a workday. I have protested against lunch-breaks at school etc because it just seemed to waste time and they served food that I didn't like which meant that I'd rather skip it entirely. I think it messes up my daily rhythm and concentration.
    That's interesting, hearing from an Si PoLR about strange habits and not wanting lunch and seeing it as a waste of time. And seeing it as a way to mess up rhythms. I, on the other hand need it broken up by lunch, or a coffee break etc. Maybe this is also Ej vs Ep in a way.

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    I get the thing about not wanting lunch breaks too. Stuff like the pomodoro technique for example are the worst for me. I tried using it once since it supposedly helps your brain rest and keep on being productive but it just breaks my work flow entirely. I'll usually enter on a zone state when I'm working and I just stop when I'm either done or I've already spent the entire day doing it and I got stuck. If I need to eat I rather just do it on my desk, I never go get lunch with my co-workers 'cause they just take forever to eat and get back to work.

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