Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
languages do in fact change very much through the centuries, when not more rapidly.
They do change, but the change of language is considerably slower compared to the change of fashion and music for instance.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
@Raver, since you seem to have conceded that American culture ought to change, why should the pace be slow?
The main motivation for a slower pace has less to do with culture and more to do with immigration in allowing assimilation and integration into a melting pot. Rapid pace of mass immigration results in multiculturalism and ethnic enclaves. So encouraging a monocultural society over a multicultural one as both are multi-ethnic regardless.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
China might land on the moon (relatively) soon, but almost nothing SpaceX or Tesla says should be trusted. I'd love to see a schematic of how they plan to get fucking mining equipment into space.
I agree that the dates they are giving like landing a man on Mars in 2024 is laughable, but if you ignore the dates and look at their goals then I think they are achievable within this century and in our lifetimes. I also agree that it won't be as easy as a task as they claim so I am prepared to wait a good while for this to happen.

Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
btw, one thing I agree with is that it's a pity to see the world becoming the same everywhere you go, European countries pretty much all look alike, and they look like America, and they look like Australia, and pretty much the entire world sells the same products and watches the very same translated tv shows, which now is culture. internet too.

and it would be great to retain everyone's uniqueness, so that when you go to Spain you don't think you're in Norway if not that there are no igloos around and people say hola to you
Yes, I am glad that we are in agreement on this. Ftr, I don't believe Europe is going to turn into a Muslim and/or African continent because of mass immigration. What is far more likely to happen is that Europe turns into the United States of Europe sometime in the 22nd century. Each country in the EU will be more like an American state than a nation.

IMO, Europe will likely turn into a multi-ethnic mass consumerism melting pot/monoculture in the 22nd century. The fact that Europe is receiving way more immigrants is not an accident, US/Canada are already multi-ethnic melting pots (Canada is more multicultural) and don't need as many immigrants as Europe. The reason why I am so resistant to mass immigration in Western Europe is because I don't want it to turn into the US/Canada.

Also, the reason why I don't mind if the US/Canada remain multi-ethnic melting pots is because they were both European colonial nations built on immigration. Unlike Europe that has had its own unique cultures within each nation for a while. If someone thinks it is a good thing that Western Europe is turning into the US/Canada then that is their prerogative to believe that, but it is hard to deny that it is where it is heading.