Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
1. If it will change anyway, better to change it now and rescue us from our misery.
I don't mind if American culture evolves as we both agree that despite the good aspects, there are several bad aspects that do not need to be preserved.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
2. It's the reverse; Americans export our horrible culture around the world and other countries have to suffer for it.
Yes, I admitted that in my post.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
3. There's an irony in that music video you linked emphasizes the only really tangible achievement this country has made in the past 70 years -- which to make matters worse was one of the only victories in a space race this country lost to a country with a fraction of its GDP.
Perhaps, but no country has topped that achievement yet to this point. Perhaps from outside pressure like China, the US can set up a moon base on the moon and a man on Mars via NASA and/or a private space company like Space X.

The US hasn't sent anyone to the moon since 1972 since there was no more incentive to do so. Once competition comes from private companies and/or emerging economies in future space endeavors, the US will be forced to react.