Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
The author is just playing with semantics and hyperbole to show that making America a nation for former European immigrants like Trump wants to do should really be about restoring the land for Native Americans with that logic since they were there way before the original European settlers. I am kind of ambivalent about this entire article to be honest. The US should take less immigrants so it doesn't get overpopulated to keep infrastructure from being overwhelmed and to retain its American culture and continue being a melting pot rather than becoming multicultural. Not to try to keep it more European when it was originally a land that was comprised of a variety of European immigrants initially and then started to take immigrants from other continents outside of Europe in the second half of the 20th century. The same applies to other former European colonies like Canada, Australia and New Zealand IMO.
Man, what 'American culture' exactly do you think is worth preserving? Hollywood with their twenty superhero movies a year? Our pop music? I'm sure Billie Eilish will be an immortal testament to our cultural legacy. McDonald's? Walmart?

Almost any decent culture came from our black population and white Southeasterners, both of whom are being assimilated into the fondue of mediocrity and mental laziness endemic to this country.