Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
@Raver, Peterson passes himself off as knowledgeable in philosophy, history, and biology, and uses this impression to sell mainstream social conservatism with a misogynistic twist to disgruntled young men who feel they've been hard done by. His first step into fame and fortune was intentionally misrepresenting a Canadian bill and asking for donations to fight it, tapping into the outrage culture of the right and making tens of thousands of dollars through it. This is actually a grift.
How is that a grift? He is not forcing anyone to do anything. He just sounds like any other opportunistic businessman to me. He is a qualified professor of psychology at a university with a P.H.D. His main selling point is helping young men improve their lives psychologically, which he is an expert on.

He does delve into other aspects and gained fame with identity politics, but his books and main focus are based on psychology, his area of expertise. Calling Belle Delphine a businesswoman and Jordan Peterson a grifter a pretty big leap.