Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
What's the tangible benefit of a $2,500 per month patreon subscription though? Sure, $30 for a small jar of useless bath water won't really hurt anyone's pocket book and if people want to buy it then that's their choice. Giving her $5 a month on patron is basically the same idea as well, if you're a fan and want to support her and get more content. However, if someone is paying thousands of dollars thinking they're getting something useful when they're clearly not then it goes beyond trying to make money via capitalism at that point:

Again, she doesn’t advertise anything beyond what people get. If people are donating to her, presumably it’s because they like her content, yes?

One may as well ask why the wealthy donate to museums when they don’t get any ‘tangible benefit’ from it. You’re missing the point entirely. Patrons of art get recognition and fuzzy feelings. Patrons of Belle Delphine get sexual pleasure.