Quote Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
Yes, I'd say that IEI-SLE duality is probably the most cursed duality pairing. IEI men seem to end up with other feelers, and SLE women seem to end up with other thinkers. Why do most of the issues come from IEI males and how is that typical?
I think its because in our world men are persuaded from a very young age to at the bare minimum be competent providers and producers. In today's world it is unacceptable to be a drifter type male..? you know what I mean?

A girl has it a lot easier in this regard as society will support her as long as she plays her female cards. A male needing to be provided for (weak sensing, weak Te) means they have these conflicting messages: on one hand they have what is unconsciously expected of them: get a job, have a talent, work to produce or support yourself, ect... and on the other hand they have these other skills to navigate the world, yet they are consider "soft skills" ie: empathy, analysis of timescales, yet removed from pragmatic ventures (low Te).

So these two forces come up. In reality it looks like this: your girlfriend is going to do that for you? How old are you now? And its doubling troubling as they are not infantiles so there is this doubled drama that asks that they should be competent and 'the man', yet lack the four dimensional skills to really claim that role throughout their entire lifetime. Ebbs and flows back wards and forwards in regards to their "handle" on life.

I read on a thread once that healthy betas tend to act more like deltas, and I will add vice versa, healthy deltas tend to act more like betas.

This is if you believe in socionic determinism which is so under fire on the forum as of late.

What do you think about all of this?