Quote Originally Posted by a good egg View Post
These two male LSEs I am thinking of are self-ID and the interaction is online. I'm by no means an expert on typing. The fact that the interaction is online might have something to do with it. Some are less attentive to social cues and are more disinhibited online. The pattern of behaviour I'm talking about is more akin to shitposting. I don't mind shitposting in itself and can play along. The frustration occurs when I try to initiate a more serious or sincere conversation about a topic, and then he defaults to shitposting as a kind of evasion. It may not be type related. I've never had these issues with my LSE female friends.
This act of defaulting to what you call shit posting is exactly what I did to ashlesha when I first started posting on this forum, except in my case, it took the form of being non-serious and teasing her, rather than addressing her directly. I think this is a bad sign in a person in general, but it might be a common defense by Te-doms against dealing with their feelings, which we are very, very unconfident about.

Probably the only antidote to this is to let the Te-dom have some experience with Fi-doms, so the Fi-doms don't look so much like a bag full of hand grenades and guns with their safeties off, with a frantic wolverine in there just to keep things interesting.
After a Te-dom gets some experience with an Fi-dom, the Te-dom can lose a lot of their fear and behave in a more normal manner. BUT, this might take years, depending on the person.

Quote Originally Posted by a good egg View Post
The hardware store thing is funny. Men are very helpful in hardware stores, but I don't know if they are all or predominantly LSEs. It's nice to receive help and attention nonetheless.

The LSE description sounds attractive to me. I just don't know where you meet these elusive people, and I am already not particularly talented at meeting new people.

You can find LSE's in any kind of middle management, engineering-related job. You can also find them fooling around in their hobby boats or with their hobby motorcycles. Anything which relates to machinery or tools.

To meet them, just show an interest in their boat or bike (not in them, not in them, that will scare them off), and act helpless but interested. That is honey to the bees. It also helps if you inject the word "respect" into your conversation. All LSE's crave respect, the same way that SLI's crave "appreciation". Aside from that, just be yourself.