Duality certainly isn't any assurance of perfection. These relationships have the highest probability that partners can agree on a common direction in life and not interfere with one another while moving along that path even though they most certainly will disagree about what needs to be done - unless one is a total wimp. Duality points to statistical probably more than idealism similar to the chances that two horses will make a great team if hitched to the same wagon. Perfection seems to be something that many young types seek or advertise in this era of less-than-truthful social profiles but as age creeps up, many people would be content if they and their partners simply could tolerate each other's idiosyncrasies and not pee in each other's soup. In reality, people can never make their partners happy; that's their partner's responsibility; the best that people can do is not stand in the way of their partner's happiness.....

a.k.a. I/O