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Thread: Stardew Valley

  1. #1
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Default Stardew Valley

    I've been trying to type the characters from the game Stardew Valley. Anyone who has played that, please weigh in.

    Linus: IEI-Ni
    Demetrius: LII
    Robin: Si-ego
    Maru: ?
    Sebastian: ILI-Ni
    George: LSE-Te
    Evelyn: EII
    Alex: ESE
    Haley: EIE-Fe?
    Clint: SEI-Si?
    Sandy: IEE-Ne
    Penny: EII-Fi
    Pam: SEE-Se
    Gus: IEE-Fi
    Lewis: ?
    Shane: ?
    Marnie: SEI?
    Jas: IEI?
    Vincent: ?
    Jodi: ?
    Kent: ?
    Sam: IEI-Fe
    Abigail: ESI-Se
    Pierre: LIE-Te
    Caroline: ?
    Wizard: SLE-Ti
    Willy: SLI-Si
    Elliot: EII-Ne
    Leah: ?

    Linus reminded me of BG at first, but later started spewing out weird Ni stuff. I have him as IEI but am open to debate.
    Demetrius is the analyst. I don't know what would be suggested for him other than LII. (I thought maybe SLI, but then he'd be a better dancer.) Suggest a subtype?
    Robin I figure to be an Si-ego. But which one I can't decide. She seems to have a healthy relationship with Demetrius at any rate. Thoughts on her type?
    Maru has me considering between SLI, ILE, SEI, and LII. And I haven't been able to make up my mind. Please give input. It would probably be a type that would mesh well with Demetrius but not with Sebastian.
    Sebastian is clearly ILI. I'll take arguments for subtypes, but I can only see him as ILI.

    George's type gradually became apparent to me.
    Evelyn makes sense as his dual, though I don't know her subtype.
    Alex took more consideration. I figured he's a sensor, and an extrovert. But probably not a logical type. And I figured ESE works best, partially considering that he doesn't hang out with Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail.

    Haley I'm leaning toward EIE for. But I would like to see others' thoughts for her.
    Emily I'm figuring is an irrational feeler, but I really haven't been able to settle on a type for her and would like others' input. She needs a type that would interest Clint's type without being his dual, and not be opposite-quadra to Sandy's type.
    Clint's type I haven't decided on either. I considered SEI-Si or ESI-Fi or LII. Hm, maybe even SLI. Thoughts?

    Sandy's IEEness gradually became clear as I got to know her. She has that fun, outgoing, awkwardness to her.
    Penny is obviously EII.
    Pam took more thought, but I'm fixed on SEE for her.
    Gus I was considering SEI, SEE, and IEE for. But his relationship with Pam had me settle on IEE-Fi for him, and I'm comfortable with that.

    Lewis I think may be ESE, EIE, IEE, or LSE, but I haven't been able to settle on one. Please give input, and remember his relationship with Marnie.
    Shane is the character I married, so i've had more interaction with him. And I've narrowed it down to ESI, SLI, or LSE. But I want more input.
    Marnie I figures to be ILE, SEI, SEE, or ESI. I have her as SEI now but am open to discussion.
    Jas is difficult to type because there's not much depth to her character. I figure she's INFx but put her as IEI mostly to balance the roster.

    Vincent doesn't have many angles either. I thought he could be ILE, SLE, IEI, EIE, or IEE. Suggestions?
    Jodi I'm considering as SEI, ESI, LSE, or EII. She's gentle, works hard, and doesn't make her kids do chores and doesn't give herself relaxation time. I don't know what type that fits.
    Kent I'm considering as LSI, ESI, SLI, or LSE. It would be nice to have an LSI, but then I don't know how that would match up with his wife's type.
    Sam is a nice guy who is friends with Sebastian. I thought IEI-Fe could work for him but am open to discussion.

    Abigail is hard to type. I thought ILE, IEI, EIE, or ESI. I settled on ESI to go with being Sebastian's friend and Se subtype to go with her tough spirit.
    Pierre seems the stereotypical LIE. He was easy to type.
    Caroline I don't know a lot about. I considered SEI, ESI, IEE, or EII but am open to other suggestions. She doesn't seem to have a strong relationship with her husband. (And I think she should have a type that would be liked by the wizard's type.)
    Wizard is a Ti subtype of LII, SLE, or LSI, but I'm having trouble deciding which. I'll put SLE-Ti until someone suggests otherwise.

    Willy took some thinking, but there's really only one type I could see him as, and that's SLI-Si.
    Elliot looked like a Beta to me, but I had to remind myself that I can't VI the drawings of their faces. And the way he uses words really reminds me of an EII-Ne friend. He has a great sense of humor if I ignore his face.
    Leah I don't have much on. So for now I'm leaving this one wide open.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  2. #2
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Abigail: IEI
    SE-seeking? I could see that.
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Clint: SLI
    That's okay with me. Did you have a subtype in mind?
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Elliot: EIE
    He looks EIE to be sure. But he doesn't talk like an EIE. He talks like someone who sees the humor in himself in a lighthearted way. And he doesn't socialize like an Fe. He seems to just have two friends, and he doesn't attend group gatherings. Even the snippet of the book he wrote didn't seem to have any Ni in it.
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Emily: IEE
    That works. ...oh. But that would make her Clint's dual and Sandy's identical. Is it common for IEEs to have close friends who are also IEEs?
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Haley: gamma SF
    Really? What's your explanation?
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Marnie: alpha SF
    Alright. Still going with SEI then.
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Pam: SLE
    I'm comfortable with my SEE typing. She seems like someone who has been friendly and popular in the past. SLE isn't ridiculous, though. Why do you say SLE?
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Shane: gamma, not SEE tho
    Great. I'll go with ESI.
    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    Wizard: LIE
    Oh? You don't see Ti? Why do you say LIE?

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  3. #3
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    I guess not many people have played this game.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  4. #4
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    lol my 10 yr old daughter is actually playing that right now. Everyone in my family plays it, we are kind of obsessed . My husband is married to Leah in the game, he said she reminds him of me. Hmph. I’m jealous of her. lol.

    It’s been a while since I’ve played it, I’ll have to think about character types and I’ll come back.
    Last edited by Aster; 07-29-2019 at 05:41 PM.
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  5. #5
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    Duddeeee Emily scared me at first when I played the game. Like she's a nice, hardworking character but her smile is creepy. It's like she's internally screaming LMAO and everything about her design seems to clash together (big open smile, bright blue hair, bright red outfit) just throws me off

    Honestly if I could I would probably marry Robin, The Wizard, Willy. Either way Linus is the best character we can throw hands

  6. #6
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    I used to be so obsessed with this game, I think all the adult characters should be marriageable. I really wanted to marry the wizard but I had to download a mod for that.

    Anyways I’ll take a stab at their types and DCNH subtypes

    Shane: SLE-H
    Abigail: IEI-C
    Sebastian: ILI-H
    Emily: EIE-C
    Sam: EIE-C
    Hayley: SEE-N
    Leah: LSI-N
    Elliot: EIE-H
    Harvey: LSI-H
    Penny: IEI-N or EIE-N
    Maru: ILE-C
    Wizard (not a bachelor but still one of my faves so I’m adding my opinion on his type): ILE-N

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    I can't click “like” on peoples posts due to the poor functionality of the site on my end. Just know that if you quoted me and were nice to me that I’m psychically sending you a like from my heart.

    Model G: IEI-CN
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1 sp/so
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

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