Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
I'm not beta and I would probably find normative family life too exhausting experience. I have no idea how people manage it. Even childless life with partner leaves me shaking my head. I just have too much things going on inside my head.
yeah basically this. interestingly, I haven't met a single alpha NT in my age range (25-35) that has children, and most of the ones I'm friends with don't want them, except for my best friend, a LII with a dominant subtype, who jokingly mentioned that he would see them as a scientific project (for some reason I don't think he's joking...)

there's also the problem with climate change, which often makes me question if it's ethical to bring a child into this world. another problem is that I'm a creative subtype, so I'm incompatible with normalising subtypes (which make up the majority of the population, especially women). combined with my indifference towards a stable life, I don't see a reason to focus too much on having a family.