Quote Originally Posted by Marep View Post
Did you enter my profile and read my past posts?
Also, are you trying to convince the others I'm bad at typing so that they find me being EII dubious (it's quite clear you don't want me in your group)?
Is this really what your game is?
She's just petty, insecure and passive aggressive. She's referring to this situation here. You exposed the underlying incompetence that informs most of her typings and opinions--of which she futilely tries to defend against like a bucking antelope caught within the grip of ravenous lioness--which inadvertently resulted in her receiving a scalp dragging, and she is obviously still tight af and being a bitter Betty about it. You're not the one with the actual problem here, it's her. Fret not.

P.S. And in many of her posts, like the one above, she condescendingly dismisses Socionics most probably because she fails to possess a true grasp of the nuances, which she resents, as evidenced in her saltiness about you pointing out a likely mistyping on her part. She just doesn't get it and instead of doubling down, learning, and improving, she wants to throw it all away. Heh.