Quote Originally Posted by atlascog View Post
When discussing these sorts of things it's so childish when people go "oh but women have it so much worse!!!!111". Completely missing the point. Yeah, and there are people who have it so much worse than women in the West, but that's not what we're fuckin talking about is it. It's not a competition in who's the biggest victim, acknowleding unique injustices towards one gender doesn't mean that you somehow relativise the unique injustices towards the other.
It's this kind of Orwellian rewriting of history. "Misandry" was initially mostly a reaction against feminism, that said "But what about men?!?!? Men have it bad too!!!11".

It's like saying "Women are so revered that they're always portrayed as being right. This isn't patriarchy, it's matriarchy!!111". But then nobody believes them when they complain of being raped or sexually harassed and calls them undependable liars.

Yes sure, that's not what it has to be about, be it tend to be that way. The fact is that people rarely complained about misandry before because well... probably it never really existed or the points were too minuscule to be mentioned.

Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
If your tactic to curb the dangerous spergs is to amp up the blanket incel-shaming so that everyone who is able avoids anything encircling that label, people who don't think the same way but still show traits that make them a target for virgin-shaming will get caught in the crossfire. This group may become further radicalized this way than had the "incel" meme never caught on.
Well fine, stop virgin-shaming for all I care, but what caused Elliot Rodger to an act of violence isn't likely because he was virgin-shamed.

There are a lot of possible factors, but I would suspect it has more to do with his narcissistic rage, his feeling of entitlement and his chronic envy of others. And the fact that he was a part of a hateful culture that promoted violence against women and the society in general that do not share their views.

Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
Oooh wow, a nominal distinction. I guess I'm btfo now. Can't complain about something that might affect me because another group owns it!
It's somewhat relevant, because we're essentially talking about the why of virgin-shaming. If a man gets shamed for being a virgin, then why?

Typically, getting laid is an endgoal for men. That is the "prize". This will eventually mean objectification and de-humanization of women.

If sex was about say, love, then why would Elliot Rodger kill them for being unable to attain his "prize"? So even if he were affected by virgin-shaming, the entire culture of male virgin-shaming that is misogynistic in nature is what drove him to violence.

What if virgin-shaming was misandric? Well then we would dehumanize men, and maybe say that men should only be used as a tool to give pleasure to women or give them money or something. But this would be less likely to end up being violent.

So the fact is that women rarely "use" men in that way, as a tool in the same way that men do. This is why misandry occurs less often, because it seems as if men's hatred and women's hatred show up in completely different ways. "Misandry" exist in women very rarely to almost non-existent, while the potentiality for misogyny in men is huge. I think it's because men and women are different, and it's more likely for men to objectify others.