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Thread: Hi! A short introduction to myself.

  1. #1
    Revelations's Avatar
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    Default Hi! A short introduction to myself.

    Hi everyone! I come to you in need of a few things. One, to type a girl that I'm madly in love with. Two, to type another lady whom I love dearly, and three, to type myself. To begin with, I shall start with myself, whom I will describe briefly below...

    I have always been an energetic, outgoing child. Brutish, but quiet. As a young (girl), (I'm transgender), I was always outside playing in the fields with friends, guy friends mostly, but when the time came, girl friends also. My GFs were mostly of a gamma trio type sort--long lasting and secretive. We were called the lesbian club at school. I'm not lesbian, never have, never will be, thought it was funny though. Long story shorter, as I grew up and transitioned, I became more from an ESFP to something of an ENTP, esp. with my testosterone therapy treatment. While I was on stronger doses of T, I felt very ISFJish, so it's funny how things inverted once I got off T.

    Fast forward to today, where I'm in love with two beautiful women. One, I think is either ENTP or ESTJ (her work face? I don't know). She's highly alpha-ish, extremely relatable on the hobby and interests front, and I worry about her health constantly. She refuses to talk to me because she told me once that I was "overbearing".

    Lady #2 is a beautiful girl whom I love most dearly, she is extremely friendly to everyone she meets and funny to boot. She is a healthy example, I think, of an ENFP (self-typed) and I love her to death. She is my constant lover and I don't know what I'd do without her.

    My question here is more about Lady #1, I guess. She's stopped communicating with me since my overbearing remark (I suggested she travel overseas to work in a different country that she would enjoy, she told me she'd already thought about it and was not interested), it might've been a little over the top? I was mistaken in that I thought she needed the advice. So I was/am terribly sorry, told her so, and proceeded to spam her phone with oh, a thousand or so messages about how I loved her and couldn't bear to live without her. I've also sent her platoons of gifts to her house, but still, no response. I've told her I would love to care for her and she hasn't responded, but she hasn't blocked me yet either. So I don't know what to do in this case. My plan is to proceed as politely as possible, without disturbing her current lifestyle. I don't know if that works with alphas or not, would love some help here!

    Lady#2 helps me with Lady#1 sometimes, and is so beautiful for it. She is a gorgeous girl friend ^_^

    OK, enough about me. I'll open the floor up to you. What do you guys think?

    P. S. I also looked at the reinin dichotomies list on and saw that my ideal man/woman was a ISFP, ENTP second. Thought that was interesting now that I type more ENTPish. Anyway, commence!

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Oh, wow. If lady #1 hasn't blocked you or gotten a restraining order yet, count yourself lucky. If she's not interested, no amount of your need is going to change that.

    I know what it's like to want someone, to think about them and to fantasize about them. I've been guilty of sending notes to a woman after she said "Please don't send me any more emails." The emptiness that was inside me overwhelmed my better judgement, and I really, really regret persisting when she obviously wasn't interested. Don't let this happen to you. Don't be delusional about this.

    You might think that if you continue to demonstrate your affections, she will eventually see things your way. But that's not gonna happen. Move on. Persistence is overrated. Find someone who wants you without having to be talked into it. You'll be better off for it.

  3. #3
    Revelations's Avatar
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    Tell me something, does she look unhealthy or not!? click

    (((( I really worry about her

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Revelation View Post
    Tell me something, does she look unhealthy or not!? click

    (((( I really worry about her
    The baby?

  5. #5
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    She looks like she doesn't get enough sleep, but that's probably because of the baby.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  6. #6
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    I worry about the baby too, mainly because they're both infantiles taking care of the baby. AFAIK she doesn't have any caregivers around her. I come from an SJ background (asians..) so I wouldn't mind helping her at all on that front. But she just won't talk to me! I think she's adorable - like a kid taking care of a child - but I wonder if she has enough time for things. Her schedule leaves little time for her to do anything else but work (we used to be co-workers in this terribly immoral company, where I threw a complete fit and started a rebellion and made several people quit because the company is quite seedy -- why was I there? I didn't care at all about the company, so maybe I was being a little immoral also. teehee) but anyway, I don't like the fact that she works there (she's been there for ten years) and am trying to convince her to switch to a different company (she's a computer programmer, so this would be quite easy to do). I see the potential but don't understand why she doesn't see it also. Plus, did I mention I wouldn't mind taking care of her baby while she's working, etc.? I want to make sure she's taken care of!! Maybe it's the old SF in me

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    Dude. Leave her alone. She clearly doesn’t like you, and certainly won’t trust you with her child.

    Also being “infantile” in Socionics has to do with sexual relations, not general attitudes toward life. She’s likely more than capable of taking care of her baby.

    If this woman is ENTP as you say I imagine she has pretty good reasons to stay at her job and they have nothing to do with not seeing “possibilities.”

    But you need to put this wonan out of your mind forever, for both your sakes.

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