It’s probably exactly what you think it is.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Along the lines of @xerxe ‘s thread, I’m curious what high S feels like to S-egos.
Do you feel like you’re more aware of surroundings than intuitive types?
Not always, but generally. Yes.
Do you appreciate the finer things in life?
Do you as an intuitive type not appreciate material things?

I think all types appreciate both material and immaterial things. However, I tend to prioritize that a certain standard for material comfort or resources is reached first.

Do you disdain intuitives?
No. Like some other sensors or ‘S egos’ (is that our AA-approved term now?), I used to identify as one.

Are you Rambo?
Sometimes I do feel like that, as an Se leading type. Other times, I feel ironically gentle and disconnected. Jung implied the DS function has the second strongest influence on a person’s psyche.