Smoking and other bad habits are simply an attempt to feel more present in the moment, which is a function of sensing. Even though it is in a ultimately destructive way. This is why you get sensors who smoke. The human animal has found all kinds of ways of bypassing its normal operating systems and using outside influences to alter its inner chemistry. People are just really smart and also really instinctual beings with access to technology and chemistry from the environment. As unhealthy as smoking is it has a pay off and that pay off was built into your biology, in fact that biology is you. It is a mutli edged dagger as with its benefits it brings harm, yet the balance of which shows meta-analysis maturity, other IEs, and is therefore a discordant attempt to feel something which means its a form of mental dis-order: that which causes distress. Not good, not bad, just is.

It could be argued everything that what we did as a species got us to this point, including smoking tobacco.

How many sailors relied on a midnight smoke to make it through their watch? ——> this is a meta thought.

The more primitive, sensing awareness of my mind was feeling the floor beneath my feet and my bum in my chair and the sound of the air conditioner, all playing first and foremost while I write this post. The same goes for each person reading it. Sensing in both varieties is always base line for every human. What I am saying is absolutely, fundamentally and undeniably correct.