haha. Yeah, I kinda feel aware of my surroundings. Especially when playing sports I feel like I can get away with a few moves. And I'm good at sports. Sometimes I notice things others do not, sometimes even watching people to see if they notice something, but they don't, and it weirds me out. I have fast reflexes. Sometimes I do not pay attention to my surroundings, but I can afford to do that because I react quickly. Then also saying this as an artist, my surroundings can also change in appearance, kind of like hallucinating, or just in my imagination it changes to appear the way I want it to, and everything is ideal or the opposite like a bomb just hit the area. Or when I'm angry, everything around me melts away. I notice when things are moved from a position it normally is. When I first enter a room, I notice a whole bunch of shit at once with all my senses and it can be overwhelming. I'm good at art and cooking, and using my hands, very dexterous, and practical, and efficient. I like the finer things in life, but I can do without them. And I really appreciate intuitives.