Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
It's easy to disregard feelings of disillusionment and frustration by labeling someone an "angsty teenager." Teenagers are just becoming aware of how disappointing life and people can be, in many cases. They realize on some level that the demands placed on them are unreasonable, arbitrary. They realize that people are often capricious or simply hateful. They still have enough energy to buck the system they live in. It's passed off as a "hormonal reaction," but that characterization is like the 1800s when women were just labeled "hysterical."

Adults consider teenagers socialized when they have finally internalized the demands that are placed on them. They gladly do the things they once hated to do, or at least have learned how to hide the fact that they hate every bit of it. Their parents were always right about everything, and they were just being silly, stupid, and young. Congratulations, now you're a mature adult! Isn't it great?

Then you have the ones who don't die inside because they can never really forget that there's a lot of bullshit in the world and it really is bullshit. George Carlin, Bill Hicks, etc. Angst is not an invalid or immature reaction. (Nothing is immature, really, because maturity always applies to an arbitrary standard that someone makes up.) Don't learn to disregard your own feelings just because someone else tells you they're wrong. There's Fi.
Very true.