Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
a better understanding than what I could provide is given in the process/result description on reddit.

the position of the IEs determine the quality, yes, and if the IEs are significantly altered we say that a type resembles something else. contact subtypes behave significantly like their mirror or their look-alike.

LII-Ne can be different from an ILE and from a LII.

a LII-Ne would be supervised by a SLE and more so because its Se is even weaker. the relationship with a EII can be similar to the one with a supervisee maybe, a IEE. a IEE can be perceived more as a supervisor.... btw, these are just hypothesis.
Subtypes definitely changes some certain things and intertype relations is one of those things. As I said before, in most basic terms, dichotomies are based on the position of IEs and since the position of IEs doesn't change according to subtypes, dichotomies remain the same.

The whole socionics is intercorrelated, dichotomies based on essentials, if they change, whole thing would collapse. Since subtypes only strengthens and weakens IEs, if we think that each dichotomy as a spectrum, I think it can be possible that different subtypes of a type can find themselves on different positions on the spectrum not for all but some dichotomies, however, their main dichotomy would remain the same.

For example, LII-Ti, LII, LII-Ne would remain as emotivist. However, LII-Ne would be further on emotivism spectrum. LII-Ti would be further on obstinate spectrum compared to rest. Of course this can't be applied to process/result since it is based on information cycle hence it doesn't effected by the boost that subtype posses.