Starti about IEE's Fi
The IEE is endowed with the ability to "find a master key" to any person and to each soul - even the most distant, closed off, and mysterious one. To accomplish this, the IEE is in possession of a mass of means and methods:
- The ability to boisterously and openly admire an interesting to him person and become charmed by him or her. To learn everything about their habits, preferences, interests, likes and dislikes, and with readiness adapt and mimic their style of living.
- The ability to agree with the opinion of the majority (and "seniority"). Ability to adapt his views to changing circumstances, influences, and movements.
- The ability to see the degree of self-confidence of lack of thereof in each person - a quality that allows the IEE to manipulate people very well, to play on their own ambitions, desires, flaws, and complexes.
- The ability to offer his help and his services, or to impose them: to make a person interested in IEE's possibilities, influence, and connections. (Even though the IEE won't allow anyone close to his valued connections - he is very much apprehensive that someone else may intercept a good opportunity or a chance he could have used himself, i.e. his own winning ticket.)
Strati's SEE Fi
Despite having relatively strong ethical orientation, despite the fact that "ethics of relations" is SEE's strong creative function, it cannot be said so that SEE's ethical relations develop easily and smoothly. To SEE generally nothing comes easily, because he always and everywhere has to conquer. SEE's problem is that he frequently conquers that which no one else has claimed or disputed. Moreover, he has a habit of conquering that which already rightfully belongs to him.
It seems: what prevents the SEE from simply and naturally receiving his natural attractiveness, charm, ease and freedom in making contact? But in this lies the problem - a constant and general acknowledgement of these qualities is needed to the SEE. Additionally, he needs proof that his superiority has been acknowledged, proof of his unquestionable influence. It is precisely in pursuit of these proofs that the SEE tends to lose all of his "majestic" qualities. Sometimes an impression arises that he is asking for compliments, either by force or by inappropriately "pulling" attention to himself, becoming too engrossed in self-love.
Eh, looks like SEE has a globalist Fi while IEE has a localist Fi. Or something along those lines.

In short it looks like adapting to wishes of a target when it is creative.