Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
Take this all with a grain of salt:

is about your personal ethics that have almost nothing to do with the outside world, but your own deep rooted unique morals developed from within that you will valiantly and stubbornly defend because of moral reasons rather than logical reasons.

is about understanding the emotional minefield and unwritten rules social environments have and learning how to navigate around them successfully. It is also about understanding the general mood and beliefs that specific social environments consist of.

So in my case I try to use my demonstrative 4D to express my creative 3D ideas that may possibly conflict with other people's and/or values due to being developed internally rather than externally IMO.

According to my brick wall hitting frequency, I'm becoming quite sure that group bears a moral (aristocratic could say: I'm a male and I sell propane...) as well. Which is like the weirdest thing for democratic Fi PoLR member. As in outside of society's norm I tend to find this Fi stuff much clearer.

When in Rome...