Fe is like the raw feelings of loving or hating a person, and then defining it with Ti categories as you can't really have Fe without Ti. Fe is deceptively 'like Fi' in this sense. Fe isn't about smiling in a fake corny way or being too gay/nice with feelings. It is way, way deeper than that.

Fi is more about realistically how relationships work in a business sense, as you can't have Fi without Te so its kinda like 'is this going to work mechnically/technically or not.' Fi also naturally keeps itself very distant from those it doesn't want to connect with. And seeks more to destroy/punish what it is repulsed by. Fe is like 'let's fight each other.' Fi is like 'I will destroy your life because you're not as morally good as me.'

if I'm making Fi sound like its the bigger asshole, that's because it is. (But being an asshole helps keep your values safe.) Any Fi valuer should just readily admit this already. Fi just seeks out to destroy what it can't bond with, that is the nature of it and also cut-throat capitalist Te competition. =D Fe works more on pretty ribbon categories and clear cut definitions.

Fe wants to win too of course, but it will keep you alive and around longer for the entertainment (Fe) and categorical purposes (Ti). It also will do so by shitting on the Fi values of course, hence huge quadra conflict.