Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
Most American leftists are backwards in that they want to institutionalize everything, rather than liberate. A true liberal should want to unchain people from an unhealthy repressive system, instead of create more of them. The modern liberal you see on TV/twitter fights for social changes within establishments, but any organic social change for the better can only happen outside the confines of an establishment or hash tag. Jesus Christ was anti-establishment. It's quite ironic how its the conservatives fighting for free speech and the right to individually express themselves, those have traditionally been things liberals have fought for.
Very well said. This is basically the result of the Left or Liberals being hijacked by a non-sensical mainstream narrative pushing idenitarianism. It parades itself as anti-establishment, but it is as establishment as they come. If your beliefs fall in line with the mass media and corporations then it is safe to say you are unwittingly a part of the establishment.

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
I could never be conservative or right wing though. Those ppl still seem too hateful & selfish for my tastes. And pretending like minorities are never discriminated against seems even more harmful to me in the long run than SJWs maximizing petty non-issues and playing thought police. I suppose there are exceptions to this, but those are negative qualities that conservatism has that it still needs to work on. Neither party is good to me. I guess my personal values I believe in are protection from the state/limiting state power (since unhealthy power hungry ppl tend to be drawn to it - and its a good thing to take away their power supply), but also socially progressive ideals and a general policy of 'If you want to govern others, then don't be a douchebag.' Mainstream liberalism in the US has been about repressing everybody socially, and using the evils of Big Brother to do it. So the opposite of what I think it should stand for lol.
Your political beliefs are similar to mine in that you lean towards left libertarianism and you feel disenfranchised by both the mainstream left and mainstream right for different reasons. The mainstream left being a turn off with its authoritarian idenitarianism and mainstream right being a turn off with its lack of initiative to foster changes to the economic system to benefit the common man. That is my take at least and of course there are differences among you and I, but the general idea is similar.

Some hardcore leftists or rightists brush that off as milquetoast centrism where nothing fundamentally changes, which couldn't be further from the truth. It is about having the critical thinking required to identify positive changes and retain positive structures of society to allow society to progress in the best possible way. Rather than emotionally accepting the dogma that Liberals and Conservatives are both guilty of doing. Anyone can separate themselves from emotional political dogma in order to look at issues more objectively and still be a Liberal or Conservative overall.

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
The conservatives that I respect and listen to, that are not just being hateful trolls that lack compassion - I still think they are misguided and living too much in the past. They make good arguements, but its all about crap that happened way in the past and does not really serve us now in society. So while well-meaning, to me its more like 'just move on already. Life changes.'
Yeah, I do think we need to progress and allow change and not stand still. Unfortunately, liberals seem hellbent on pushing some negative changes and conservatives are hellbent on retaining some negative changes. Neither is interested in creating or retaining only positive changes overall as Liberals want to create positive and negative changes and Conservatives want to retain positive and negative changes. That is a major issue that needs to be dealt with sooner or later.