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Thread: The Rise of Far Left Extremism

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    lol Still resorting to false balances, huh? In all of our interactions, I've literally explained to you what that is about 3 or 4 times, even giving explicit examples and you still don't get it. Perhaps if I were a SLI, my words would be able to penetrate somehow. Amazing. Within this particular context, on the substantial merits (i.e., empirical data) of each side's argument, one side deserves to be taken more seriously, heeded and paid more attention to. PERIODT. One can NOT assume that both sides' arguments have equal value and therefore, deserve equal time/opportunity to be aired and confronted. That is a FALSE assumption and conclusion. The answer does not necessarily lie somewhere in between both "extremes"; in this case, one perspective is significantly more noteworthy, dangerous and impactful (see the data points I've provided in a previous post concerning "white supremacy"). The notion that "Left Wing extremism" deserves similar/the same airtime as Right Wing Extremism is absurd, because the data does not support that they remotely compare in any substantial manner. The only thing you're doing is propping up an empirically unsupported assertion and giving Right Wing hypocrites cover to crouch under and a false leg to stand on. Ugh, nevermind. I can't engage Ti PoLR today. Dance away.
    You're not wrong and I don't disagree with you on this point specifically. I just wish anger was rightfully directed upwards at the wealthy elite pitting us against eachother as unwitting pawns by using race, religion and class as artificial dividers. While, they laugh all the way to the bank with their neoliberal/neoconservative policies and we fight amongst eachother. For example, leftist groups like occupy wall street seem to have the right idea. They know that the real enemy is an economic one and not an idenitarian one.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    I just wish anger was rightfully directed upwards at the wealthy elite pitting us against eachother as unwitting pawns by using race, religion and class as artificial dividers. While, they laugh all the way to the bank with their neoliberal/neoconservative policies and we fight amongst eachother.
    Wouldn't that mean taking a "balanced" view and listening to the corporatist elite's side of things?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Wouldn't that mean taking a "balanced" view and listening to the corporatist elite's side of things?
    No, most extreme leftists and extreme rightists that are idenitarians are unwitting pawns just as much as neoliberals and neoconservatives. You can be a centrist and have views that are completely opposite of corporatist elites or completely aligned to them. It is where you lie on each issue specifically that matters, not where you are aligned overall, whether that ends up as left, center or right.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    No, most extreme leftists and extreme rightists are unwitting pawns just as much as neoliberals and neoconservatives. You can be a centrist and have views that are completely opposite of corporatist elites or completely aligned to them. It is where you lie on each issue specifically that matters, not where you are aligned overall, whether that ends up as left, center or right.
    Well Trump also directs anger at the corporate elites (that's why he attacks companies like Amazon) and "rigged" economy. It's not necessarily that identity politics is bad, but people are leaving out economic identity politics, or class politics. So if we only care about the economy, then we might say Trump is decent, even though he's likely leading the country towards fascism with his white identity politics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Well Trump also directs anger at the corporate elites (that's why he attacks companies like Amazon) and "rigged" economy. It's not necessarily that identity politics is bad, but people are leaving out economic identity politics, or class politics. So if we only care about the economy, then we might say Trump is decent, even though he's likely leading the country towards fascism with his white identity politics.
    Yes, but you can say the same for someone like AOC who is anti-corporate, but engages in idenitarian politics by wanting mass immigration/open borders, etc. If you ignore his white identity politics and focus on immigration, Trump is not behaving that differently than Obama who had border camps and deported many illegals as well.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Yes, but you can say the same for someone like AOC who is anti-corporate, but engages in idenitarian politics by wanting mass immigration/open borders, etc. If you ignore his white identity politics and focus on immigration, Trump is not behaving that differently than Obama who had border camps and deported many illegals as well.
    I don't know where you're getting your sources from, but AOC clearly doesn't want mass immigration/open borders. However she does want to solve the current conditions of the detained immigrants in the US, and she's saying that climate change is responsible for creating more migrants and refugees seeking relief.

    It is significant that 60% of Americans approve 'Allowing refugees from central American countries to seek asylum in the US', and 80% want 'Developing a plan to allow some people living in the U.S. illegally to become legal residents'.

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