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Thread: The Rise of Far Left Extremism

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    This is simply not true, disproportionate amount of blacks suffer at the hands of hate crimes than whites:
    Blacks can be more likely to commit black on white hate crimes compared to the other way around, and at the same time, blacks can still be more likely to be a victim of hate crimes in general. In any event, I was merely referring to the fact that, according to the FBI, a disproportionate number of blacks are committing hate crimes when compared to whites.

    Per the FBI's website:

    "In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

    • 46.3 percent were White.

    • 26.1 percent were Black or African American.

    In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

    • 48.4 percent were White.

    • 24.3 percent were Black or African American."

    When taking into account population sizes (72.4% white and 12.6% black, according to wiki) blacks are suddenly significantly more likely to commit hate crimes than whites.

    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Maybe because it actually is on the rise:
    Hate crimes in which race was reported comprise of roughly .005% of all violent crime in the US (even less if we consider that not all hate crimes are necessarily violent), and this number has remained fairly constant these past few years (.0051% of all violent crime in 2017 compared to .0045% in both 2016 and 2015). Even if you want to focus exclusively on an increase so marginal that it doesn't even appear when rounding to the 3rd decimal, blacks are still more likely to commit this very small percentage of crime than whites when taking into account population sizes.

    Despite these facts, for whatever reason the left has embraced "white supremacy" as a major talking point. Honestly, it'd be statistically equivalent if 1000 healthy people died of the the flu last year compared to 1500 healthy people dying of the flue this year -- the whopping 50% increase might look scary if you posted a graph while also arguing that it's the "Spanish swine flu all over again", though any which way you want to spin it the numbers are still insignificant when looking at the larger picture, meaning that if anything I'd still be far more concerned about heart disease.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    Blacks can be more likely to commit black on white hate crimes compared to the other way around,
    First off, blacks are less likely to commit hate crimes against whites than the other way around.

    Again, when we're talking about crimes in general, this only has to do with the fact that statistically, there are more whites than blacks, therefore blacks are more likely to come into contact with whites. It's not as if blacks are targeting whites.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    In any event, I was merely referring to the fact that, according to the FBI, a disproportionate number of blacks are committing hate crimes when compared to whites
    You said that there are more black-on-white hate crimes than white-on-black hate crimes, which is not true.

    Black-on-white hate crime is 18%
    White-on-black hate crime is 49%

    of total race-based hate crime.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    Hate crimes in which race was reported comprise of roughly .005% of all violent crime in the US (even less if we consider that not all hate crimes are necessarily violent), and this number has remained fairly constant these past few years (.0051% of all violent crime in 2017 compared to .0045% in both 2016 and 2015). Even if you want to focus exclusively on an increase so marginal that it doesn't even appear when rounding to the 3rd decimal, blacks are still more likely to commit this very small percentage of crime than whites when taking into account population sizes.
    So when you go to another country and face discrimination for being white, then that should be ignored because whites are a minority therefore it only comprises a small number of the total victims, therefore it should be ignored. Nice logic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    You said that there are more black-on-white hate crimes than white-on-black hate crimes, which is not true.
    As I already mentioned, the comment was merely alluding to the fact that blacks are significantly more likely to commit hate crimes than whites, which is 100% true based on the FBI figures I cited.

    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Black-on-white hate crime is 18%
    White-on-black hate crime is 49%
    Did you even read the source that you provided? I don't mean to be condescending or patronizing with this question -- I merely ask because it's not exactly clear where you're getting these specific numbers from, and thus it's tempting to assume that they're coming from this quote here because it just happens to mention both 18% and 49% (my advanced apologies if this is merely a coincidence). "Eighteen percent of race-based hate crimes reported to the FBI last year were anti-white, while whites make up 77 percent of the U.S. population. Compare that to black Americans, who make up 13 percent of the country, but suffered 49 percent of reported race-based hate crimes."

    Contrary to your post, these numbers are not a reflection of either black on white hate crime or white on black hate crime, and as such, are not remotely inconsistent with any of my claims. Blacks can suffer 49% of race-based hate crimes (again, there's nothing to suggest that whites are solely accountable for this 49% figure that you've taken upon yourself to cite), and at the same time blacks can still be far more likely to commit hate crimes than whites.

    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    So when you go to another country and face discrimination for being white, then that should be ignored because whites are a minority therefore it only comprises a small number of the total victims, therefore it should be ignored. Nice logic.
    You can spin it however you want, but I can honestly say that if I travel to another country then I'll be thankful if their hate crime numbers are on par with the US. In short, the overall number of hate crimes is exceedingly low when compared to crime in general, hate crime in general has remained fairly constant over the years in terms of its overall percentage of violent crime, and contrary to the left's narrative about "white supremacy", hate crimes are also more likely to be committed by blacks than by whites.

    Anyways, it's been a nice chatting with ya bud, but at this point you're struggling immensely to understand your own sources, and are either making up random numbers or otherwise failing to explain how you've obtained them... and all while commending me for my "logic" which you've taken upon yourself to characterize. You can keep trying if you want to but at this point I'll likely be replying with a friendly X D

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    As I already mentioned, the comment was merely alluding to the fact that blacks are significantly more likely to commit hate crimes than whites, which is 100% true based on the FBI figures I cited.
    This is likely because as you've said, the number of hate crimes are low compared to the overall population, which is 6370. So statistically it tips the scale of the total percentage more easily.

    This is the actual number of hate crimes by race:

    Blacks: 1356 (21.3%)
    Whites: 3299 (50.7%)

    adjusted for population size:

    Blacks: 802 (12.6%) -554
    Whites: 3866 (60.7%) +567

    So adjusted to actual population, it's an error margin of ±500. Now 500 could be significant, or it could not. But the fact is that 500 cases could change as much as 10%.

    Your claim that "blacks are significantly more likely to commit hate crimes than whites" is simply not true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Now 500 could be significant
    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Your claim that "blacks are significantly more likely to commit hate crimes than whites" is simply not true.

    Do you read your own posts before posting? Again, I don't mean to be condescending or patronizing with this question. I previously asked if you had bothered to read your own sources that you took upon yourself to cite, and conveniently you've neglected to answer the question. I daresay that this isn't all that surprising -- you literally went from struggling immensely with citing accurate numbers (suggesting you're either incapable of reading your own sources that you've taken upon yourself to cite or otherwise simply are not capable of understanding what the numbers mean) to harping on what the the word significant might mean.

    You can keep trying if you want but like I said before.... at this point I envision a lot of friendly X D's from my end if you wanna keep this up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    Do you read your own posts before posting? Again, I don't mean to be condescending or patronizing with this question. I previously asked if you had bothered to read your own sources that you took upon yourself to cite, and conveniently you've neglected to answer the question. I daresay that this isn't all that surprising -- you literally went struggling immensely with citing accurate numbers (suggesting you're either incapable of reading your own sources that you've taken upon yourself to cite or otherwise simply are not capable of understanding what the numbers mean) to harping on what the the word significant might mean.
    Nice cutting off the quote, I also said:

    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Now 500 could be significant, or it could not.
    I must say that your tactics are very childish. If you think that differences in 500 cases mean "blacks are significantly more likely to commit hate crimes than whites"... then either you're an idiot or a liar.

    I didn't bother with the other point, because it seemed not worth going over, but if you must:

    "Eighteen percent of race-based hate crimes reported to the FBI last year were anti-white, while whites make up 77 percent of the U.S. population. Compare that to black Americans, who make up 13 percent of the country, but suffered 49 percent of reported race-based hate crimes."
    Okay, so 18% of race-based hate crimes were "anti-white", and not necessarily black-on-white. 49% of race-based hate crimes were "anti-black".

    This obviously means that blacks suffer way more of race-based hate crimes than whites.

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