Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
I don't care if my future great great great grandson is a mix of x, y and z ethnicities/races because that is inevitable in today's globalized world. What I do care about is if he is living in a corrupt authoritarian third world nation with no middle class because previous generations were too naive and gullible to think that endless immigration has little to no consequences.

Try to get out of the headspace that people conservative on immigration are afraid of race and ethnicity and try to get into the mindset of them being afraid of significantly reduced standards of living with significantly lower personal freedoms. Then you can understand their point of view more. Some of them are racist, but most of them are not.
Which is also stupid. If population growth was the real issue, then 2019 France (67 million people) would have fewer freedoms and a lower standard of living than 1600 France (20 million people).