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Thread: The Rise of Far Left Extremism

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    ...Why would you blame the victim? The racist will discriminate against them no matter how much they've integrated into the host country. There's also no fundamental reason why they should integrate, if only for the safety of not being a target of the majority.
    I am not blaming the victim, I am just saying that making an entire country multicultural to cater to a minority of people is silly. Obviously laws should be put in place to prevent people from abusing minorities so they're respected as equal citizens, but forcing mass immigration to quell that doesn't make any sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    People hate each other because of polarization and intensification of these identities, which some of them might be almost completely arbitrary. Who cares what "tribe" you belong to?

    If people hate each other and fractionalize anyway, then what's the difference between homogeneity and diversity?
    You can't undo thousands of years of humanity living in tribes in decades of forced multiculturalism and diversity.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    OK Raver, I don't think we're going to agree.

    To be honest, I've always known that some people will be resistant to outsiders under virtually every circumstance. It's futile to change deep-seated habits, so let's just focus on what we both can agree on: fewer people will need to emigrate from these countries once they become better places to live. This process is slowly happening, but it can obviously be accelerated if the third world receives massive investment and technology transfers from the first world.
    Fair enough. I think you would find few people that would disagree with you that improving third world nations standard of living should happen. Where they might disagree on is how much they should be helped or the means. Some would argue that they should be helped by themselves, others believe in foreign aid. I would be fine with increasing investment and technology transfers from the first world to the third world, but within reasonable means to not overburden the tax payer of 1st world nations. Anyways, in my own country and other ex-British countries, I am pretty tolerant to outsiders, but I think a line needs to be drawn. A multi-ethnic/mono-cultural 1st world nation in order to exist needs to eventually freeze immigration to basically zero eventually. I'm not saying it has to happen today, but it needs to happen eventually. The main primary fear I have is not a mult-ethnic society, but 1st world nations devolving to 3rd world nations or somewhere in between 1st and 3rd world.

    The other secondary fear I have is countries losing their culture and embracing the culture of where they immigrated from instead or developing a new watered down consumer mindless culture. The tertiary and last fear I have is countries losing their ethnicity so contrary to popular belief, ethnicity is not the main driving fear at least in my case. Where do I personally believe the line needs to be drawn in every single 1st world nation no matter what? I would say at around ~50% of the majority population so when the country is on the cusp of becoming a majority minority nation, near zero immigration needs to happen if the country wants to retain its 1st world status and the culture it has had for hundreds to thousands of years. So despite my rhetoric in keeping Europe ethnically pure, I know it's a fruitless endeavor in most European nations because of mass immigration/open borders so far and for that reason I don't expect it to happen.

    Several nations are projected to be minority-majority nations at less than 50% within several decades time at roughly the mid point of this century. So that means I think France needs remain at least 50% ethnically French, Germany needs to remain at least 50% ethnically German, US needs to remain at least 50% ethnically European and Canada needs to remain at least 50% ethnically European. I am a lot more lenient with ex-British colonies because trying to keep America and Canada to ~50% ethnically British/German is silly considering they were originally Native American countries. I am also sure that my views are malleable compared to others that are more conservative on immigration. The truth is whether people want to admit it or not, the vast majority of 1st generation immigrants will never fully integrate or assimilate fully into the country they immigrate to. Sure, those who immigrated under 10 years old would likely nearly fully or fully integrate and assimilate into the country and culture, but it's safe to say that someone that immigrated at the age of 20 or older will always be culturally attuned to their first nation and never fully integrate or assimilate.

    You can only really expect 2nd generation immigrants to fully integrate and assimilate into the country they have immigrated to. This is why lines must be drawn at some point in time if you want 1st world nations to retain their 1st world nation status, economy, quality of life, culture and values. As a 2nd generation immigrant, I feel much more culturally attuned to the nation I was born in compared to my parents that feel much more culturally attuned to the nation they were born in. This is true regardless of the nation the person immigrated from unless they immigrated from a neighboring nation that is very culturally similar. The main fear for most people ignoring racists in regards to immigration I would say is retaining 1st world status > retaining original culture > retaining ethnicity. Near zero immigration needs to eventually happen sooner or later or what the inevitable result is 1st world nations devolving into 3rd world nations at the worst possible case scenario or 1st world nations losing their original culture for a watered down meaningless empty consumer culture at the best possible case scenario. Majority ethnicities being wiped out completely is absurd of course, but them becoming eventual minorities is very real.

    So my question to you is this, where do you draw the line of multiculturalism and mass immigration and instead focus on monoculturalism and near zero immigration? Is it the same as my view when the country is at the cusp of becoming a majority minority nation at around ~50%? Is it more lenient than that so when the majority ethnicity is roughly on par with several minority groups at ~33%? Is it when the majority ethnicity becomes less than at least one other minority group at ~25%? Or is it when the majority ethnicity becomes less than several minority groups at ~10%? Where would that line be drawn for in a nation you have ethnic ancestry ties to like Georgia/Armenia? Would it be the same or different than compared to European nations or the US/Canada? Applying standards by drawing a definitive line with immigration requires no inhumane treatment or mass deportations aside from illegal immigrants. It's simply a matter of enforcing borders to near zero immigration to all 1st world nations once that line is recognized and drawn in order to protect 1st world nation status and retaining the culture of these nations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Where would xerxe draw the line? I wouldn't because racial and ethnic identities are ridiculous and stupid. I don't care if my grandson is White, Brown, Black, or Blue and speaks Martian.
    If you think culture is that shallow, you've got another thing coming.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    If you think culture is that shallow, you've got another thing coming.
    I didn't say culture, I said race and ethnicity. Even so, culture changes radically all the time; the culture in 2200 is probably going to be completely unrecognizable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I didn't say culture, I said race and ethnicity. Even so, culture changes ALL the time.
    Ethnicity is the culture you belong to. It just gets confused for race because multicultural societies like to strongly imply that culture is only something that people who haven't had the Enlightenment have and confuse culture for the act of wearing a dashiki shirt (which is a shallow thing to do and no one would care if I wore one.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Ethnicity is the culture you belong to. It just gets confused for race because multicultural societies like to strongly imply that culture is only something that people who haven't had the Enlightenment have and confuse culture for the act of wearing a dashiki shirt (which is a shallow thing to do and no one would care if I wore one.)

    I'm not watching a whole 28 minute youtube video, so I'll just respond to your written statement: no, ethnicity and culture aren't the same thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I'm not watching a whole 28 minute youtube video, so I'll just respond to your written statement: no, ethnicity and culture aren't the same thing.
    Of course you can engage a culture without belonging to it. Open cultures exist. What do you define ethnicity as? "Ethnic food" is a common way to refer to the food of other cultures and the term clearly has nothing to do with people's race. Eating a ton of Italian food won't make me Italian, but moving to Italy could make me Italian, and I wouldn't change my ancestry in either case.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Of course you can engage a culture without belonging to it. Open cultures exist. What do you define ethnicity as? "Ethnic food" is a common way to refer to the food of other cultures and the term clearly has nothing to do with people's race. Eating a ton of Italian food won't make me Italian, but moving to Italy could make me Italian, and I wouldn't change my ancestry in either case.
    The United States has many different ethnicities sharing a common American history, literature, and art; the same is true in many countries that are built on a foundation of civic nationalism. In an ethnostate premised on ethnic nationalism, there is a deliberate conflation between culture and ethnicity; there it becomes the dominant groupthink, set in stone by government policy, and endlessly rammed down your throat by propaganda.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Of course you can engage a culture without belonging to it. Open cultures exist. What do you define ethnicity as? "Ethnic food" is a common way to refer to the food of other cultures and the term clearly has nothing to do with people's race. Eating a ton of Italian food won't make me Italian, but moving to Italy could make me Italian, and I wouldn't change my ancestry in either case.
    Exactly, the fact of the matter is the vast majority of 1st generation immigrants will never fully integrate into the nation they move in aside from a small minority (if they immigrated to the country at under age 10 or so) and the vast majority of 2nd generation immigrants will fully integrate into the nation they move in to. The solution is obvious if the goal is striving for a multi-ethnic/monocultural society and that is cut down immigration in half at some point in the near future (to let in only highly skilled professionals) rather than a good percentage of it being comprised of cheap labor and eventually bringing it down to zero some time within this century.

    Continuing with this current trend of mass immigration in Europe and high legal immigration into Canada and high illegal immigration into the US is a recipe for disaster. In order for 1st world nation to retain their high standard of living and their culture then the number of 1st generation immigrants needs to be far lower than 2nd generation immigrants, which cutting down immigration in half would do and eventually there needs to be near zero immigration in order to retain the current standard of living and culture. Even if we assume the genetic differences between different groups of people are too minor to make a difference then this still needs to be done IMO.
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Where would xerxe draw the line? I wouldn't because racial and ethnic identities are ridiculous and stupid. I don't care if my grandson is White, Brown, Black, or Blue and speaks Martian.
    I don't care if my future great great great grandson is a mix of x, y and z ethnicities/races because that is inevitable in today's globalized world. What I do care about is if he is living in a corrupt authoritarian third world nation with no middle class because previous generations were too naive and gullible to think that endless immigration has little to no consequences.

    Try to get out of the headspace that people conservative on immigration are afraid of race and ethnicity and try to get into the mindset of them being afraid of significantly reduced standards of living with significantly lower personal freedoms. Then you can understand their point of view more. Some of them are racist, but most of them are not.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    I don't care if my future great great great grandson is a mix of x, y and z ethnicities/races because that is inevitable in today's globalized world. What I do care about is if he is living in a corrupt authoritarian third world nation with no middle class because previous generations were too naive and gullible to think that endless immigration has little to no consequences.

    Try to get out of the headspace that people conservative on immigration are afraid of race and ethnicity and try to get into the mindset of them being afraid of significantly reduced standards of living with significantly lower personal freedoms. Then you can understand their point of view more. Some of them are racist, but most of them are not.
    Which is also stupid. If population growth was the real issue, then 2019 France (67 million people) would have fewer freedoms and a lower standard of living than 1600 France (20 million people).

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Which is also stupid. If population growth was the real issue, then 2019 France (67 million people) would have fewer freedoms and a lower standard of living than 1600 France (20 million people).
    It is not just about population numbers though. It is clear now more than ever that you are not going to change your mind on this and that you are convinced you are 100% correct. I will follow the 90/10 rule in that I think there is a 90% chance I am right on this, but a 10% chance you are correct and I am wrong. I really hope you are right because it looks like most 1st world nations are heading in the direction you want.

    So if I am wrong and we are heading to an advanced multi-ethnic/multicultural utopia in the 1st world and even the 3rd world to a lesser extent then I can rest easy. Knowing that my great great great grandchildren will live in a great future world. However, if I am correct then I can only fear and worry for the dreadful future that our descendants will have to endure.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    It is not just about population numbers though. It is clear now more than ever that you are not going to change your mind on this and that you are convinced you are 100% correct. I will follow the 90/10 rule in that I think there is a 90% chance I am right on this, but a 10% chance you are correct and I am wrong. I really hope you are right because it looks like most 1st world nations are heading in the direction you want.

    So if I am wrong and we are heading to an advanced multi-ethnic/multicultural utopia in the 1st world and even the 3rd world to a lesser extent then I can rest easy. Knowing that my great great great grandchildren will live in a great future world. However, if I am correct then I can only fear and worry for the dreadful future that our descendants will have to endure.
    I think they'll be fine. There's no need to preserve anachronistic 19th century ideas into the 22nd century.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I think they'll be fine. There's no need to preserve anachronistic 19th century ideas into the 22nd century.
    Fair enough. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. It is clear that this argument has been beaten like a dead horse. Like I said before, I really hope that you're right and I'm wrong for future generations' sake.
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