Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
So is the United Kingdom, and yet they chose completely different paths.

The fact is, there were, and still are, a diverse group of different tribes and ethnicities when people first arrived at those territories. It's just that those people have been conveniently "forgotten", pushed aside or forcibly assimilated due to an ideology of ethnic homogeneity. Also that Japanese, Koreans and Chinese have frequently inter-mingled with one another, but of course that has also been forgotten.
Those diverse group of different tribes and ethnicities pale in comparison to the vast differences between different ethnic groups that come from different continents. The way I see it, countries should be allowed to choose the path they want whether that is homogeneity or diversity. Diversity or multiculturalism shouldn't be the default go to option for every single country in the world. It also shouldn't be pushed as aggressively in the countries that it's been accepted in. Japan has chosen to be homogeneous then they should be accepted for wanting to retain their ethnicity instead of being forced to become multicultural or diverse because it is the 21st century.