Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
Capitalism isn't bad. Capitalism comes from the word "to capitalize." Capitalizing is good and is how people empower themselves. I'm not a "small government" or minarchist or anarchist person at all, but people should still be allowed to capitalize on whatever they'd like after all other things are considered. I've heard several people think socialism and capitalism will merge in the near future instead of the Marxist path of socialism overthrowing it and it'll look like Sweden, and if that happened I'd be all for it, but I still know for a fact that capitalism shouldn't be demonized as a concept.
I'll just copy and paste a post from the debate communism subreddit:

Lets unpack the idea that "Capitalism works". In the US, the most developed Capitalist country, the richest country in the history of the world:

Capitalist hegemony has short-circuited people into buying wildly illogical and ridiculous propaganda like: "Lift yourselves up by the bootstraps" (which shows the almost religious power of capitalist propaganda, that the impossible can become possible), or "Communism doesn't work", when in fact Communism did work extremely well.
Examples from this post by /u/bayarea415, and Stephen Gowans - Do publicly owned, planned economies work, about the USSR specifically:

Now let's take a look at what happens after the USSR collapse:

For an overview of the soviet experiment, watch this brilliant talk by Micheal Parenti, or read his article, Left anticommunism, the unkindest cut.
Also read this great article by Stephen Gowans, Do publicly owned, planned economies work?. Audio on youtube
Bonus vid about cyber-communism: Paul Cockshott - Going beyond money.
More sources: Socialism Crash Course, Socialism FAQ, Glossary.