Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
Affluent civilizations are selective about the median annual income levels of immigrants precisely so that, in the process of assisting people from other nations, their own nation does not itself become a place worth leaving.
Except when they need slave labors "economic migrants".

Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
Since you're making this about "racism", quantitatively speaking, far more non-white immigrants benefit from immigration than not - America fills up with Latinos, and Britain and many European nations fill up with Islamic populations. I suppose there's no appreciation for the millions of former third-world individuals now living safer lives in Western nations?
That's good. You colonize a bunch of countries and bring in slaves, and you kick them out when it's inconvenient. These people must feel so thankful for your grace and your privilege of being allowed to live in your master Western nation.

And why do you think there are so many Islamic migrants and Syrian refugees in the first place? Because of US's "War on Terror"! If anything you should be blaming the US for their disastrous foreign policies.

Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
Nations have a variety of rational reasons for their discretion. Nations attempt to strike a sustainable balance of influx so their own lands maintain a high standard of living. This shouldn't even need to be explained, and who does anyone think they are to question the sovereignty of nations, or demand they adopt policies that could harm them? That is the discretion of the Nation in question. "This is all just white people being racist" is a worthless, false, reductionist conjecture.

I don't hear people demanding South Koreans take in waves of disadvantaged immigrants, it's always the West that gets called racist. This is a senseless double-standard, particularly when combined with the fact that no other region of the world takes in, assists, or extends welfare and social aid to more people than the West. "Class A" citizens come from a variety of races and cultures and are taken in annually to nearly every Western nation. Considering Canada has one of the highest annual median incomes on the planet and enjoys high standards of living and security, of course it is sensible that Canadians are often successful in their applications for immigration. You keep putting the cart ahead of the horse when this is largely a financial matter; you're the one insisting this is racial when the simple fact of the matter is that an income requirement being met by a White or non-White individual is no different, but many people do not meet these basic requirements. Naturally, no appreciation is shown for the enormous Asian, Latino, Middle Eastern, or African populations presently in Western nations. America is nearly a minority-white Nation. At what point has, in this case America, done its fair share for the world? It seems there's no pleasing some people, and thus they should not be pleased.
So it is about what's economically beneficial to the country. Don't pretend that it's about anything else. Immigrants are just as beneficial to the country as it is beneficial to the immigrants themselves. Yet at the same time you feel personally burdened, and feel that "it's not fair" that countries like South Korea are not taking their fair share of the burden.

Again, this is just "homogeneity envy", and countries like South Korea and Japan have plenty of social and economic problems of their own, which they will be facing more acutely later on when they have to face the reality of having an aging population with no immigrants. Basically, a slow and gradual death of their own nation and their own culture.

It's likely that countries like the US wouldn't have gotten to it's place now ("the most powerful country in the world"), and it wouldn't have been able to sustain its population without immigrants.