Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
I have no clue why you keep mentioning @Vizany to me, maybe his posts triggered you. He's a teenager and his views will change as he grows older so you constantly attacking him directly is not cool at all. What is your ethnicity though @Alonzo? You've mentioned before you are 3/4 ethnically Swedish, 1/4 of something else? But then you mentioned you were half viking/half mandingo? Just be completely open and say it. I never actually saw your picture, but I heard from others that you looked African when you posted your pic and quickly took it down? Just say what you are already, are you a quadroon? a mulatto? something else? There is no shame in hiding it, embrace your mixed race heritage like I have instead of beating around the bush.
1.) How the fuck do you know that "it" will change? I don't give a fuck about "it" being a teenager--there are plenty of non-trash teenagers and so that excuse won't cut it; I'm only tepidly interested in what "it" does now, and for right now, it's a cephalic dumpster baby and will be regarded as such.

2.) Whatever cotton-brained fuckwits told you that I've posted my pic on here before are even more dimwitted than you because I'd never do that. I talk way too much shit to be that stupid. lol But I did post a pic of my father to be VI'd, who was half ethnic Swede/half Brazilian (Cafuzo). My mother is an ethnic Scandinavian and Swedish national. Why the fuck would I feel the need to beat around the bush? In multiple places, I've said that I'm mixed race, proudly so. And for those capable of reading, I said that I was a Viking-Mandingo hybrid, which does not necessarily denote a half and half mixture. The only thing you need to know is that I'm big, blonde, blue and bronzed and still feel compelled to fight for people I don't phenotypically resemble, though we are genetically connected. Unlike you, I don't twerk for Neo-Nazis and those who wouldn't let my ass into the country if they had their way.