Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
Yeah because you've basically backpedaled after me and some other people have pointed out that they're not the same lol.

Your entire OP was based around the premise that "left-wing extremists are the left wing version of Neo-Nazis".

Then you complain that "antifa are given a free pass because of left-wing brainwashing and media conspiracy!". But the real reason is that no one gives a shit when they have some fisticuffs with some random right-wingers.
The idea that someone can change their mind during a thread is revolutionary, I know. But that is all you have so you keep beating the same point home like a broken record.

Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
You've done nothing but pussy pop and back peddle all over this thread, and especially after it got too hot for you.

That’s literally what the fuck you said and now you act as if you were misquoted once it became glaringly obvious to anyone reasonable enough to see beyond your clusterfuck of right wing trigger words that you were wading neck deep in logical fallacies (as you are wont to do).

The problem is that you do this often–you’ll make the most rudimentary, blatantly obvious, uncritical, hyper reductionist observations and string them together with a fuck ton of low brow conjecture, buttressed by incomplete and/or inaccurate information. Your comments often read like Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson had a chromosome depleted love child.

Honestly, it seems to me that you enjoy presenting false equivalencies for the sake of appearing "fair and balanced" or neutral, a tactic which flies in the face of critical thinking and historical nuance, which you often lack.

Here’s the thing > ANTIFA is not completely blameless--and no one here has argued that. Some of its members clearly have gone overboard with some of their tactics. But hyping and over-inflating the threat they pose paints a decentralized, relatively impotent (in the grand, hegemonic scheme of things) group with a broad and overly simple brush, and contributes to a disproportionate right-wing panic and hypocritical pearl clutching in the process. The fact of the matter is that the worst of ANTIFA's sins don't compare to that of the far right. There is no ANTIFA equivalent to the murder of Heather Hyer, the Charleston church shooting, or the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue. ANTIFA has no relationship with the Democratic Party nor do its members really support the party; on the other hand, many far right activists are ardent Trump supporters, and at times seem to get tacit support from the White House (e.g., Charlottsville and the 'both sides' comment) and propagandist machines like Fox News. Placing a focus on ANTIFA unnecessarily distracts from the much greater problem of far-right extremism. By creating threads like this, you are part of the problem, not the solution. You want to stop ANTIFA? Then stop the right wing extremists that give them cause to exist.
Like I told Singu, you two keep hammering the same point because that is all you have. Besides being less harmful and not being Neo-Nazis, ANTIFA are basically indefensible. Like Singu, you two are just mad that I specifically singled out far leftists like you guys and separated you two from the rest of the sane leftists to the entire forum. I don't regret it at all, now everyone can know who the problem is and who isn't.