Quote Originally Posted by Carolus View Post
I'm as much an inbred Appalachian bigot as William Faulkner or Robert Penn Warren, I suppose (nice way to stick up for the poor and downtrodden btw). All of your posts confuse me more than anything, nothing but nonsense pulled out of your pathological imaginings.
This is the last post I'll make in this thread. This is stupid.
lol Talk about deluded...

1.) Ho, you are not Faulkner. He was a prolific, widely acclaimed talent; you are not. Or, at the very least, any talent you may possess is not readily discernible, save for your ability to graze dick with your teeth.

2.) As a EIE enneagram 4 (which is highly unlikely and if actually so, would certainly speak to your evident sub par "health"), "pathological imaginings" are what define you. More blatant projection. Tsk.

3.) The "poor and downtrodden," especially anywhere containing the likes of you, already receive an unearned, undeserved and disproportionate amount of my largesse and good will, even as they foolishly empower people that seek their disenfranchisement and show disdain towards those that pose no actual threat. That being the case, I'm sure they wouldn't mind "taking one for the team" in my disembowelment of one of their trifling, equally problematic and hypocritical "native sons."

"In the pursuit of wrongdoing, one steps away from God." lol

4.) Farewell, bitch.