Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
This whole narrative that you're eating right up is "left-wing extremism is just as bad as right-wing extremism!", which is just a convenient distraction from the real threat of right-wing extremism.

As ADL had noted, while the tactics employed by antifa are problematic, equating them with right-wing extremists is false equivalence:

Did you even read my other posts? I basically spent the rest of my posts stating that I think right wing extremism is worse than left wing extremism, but that doesn't mean we can ignore left wing extremism either. My argument is not a false equivalence because I'm not saying that they are equal, but rather that they both need to be dealt with.

Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
The real reason why the "left-wing extremists" are ignored by the media is because they've never actually killed anyone before, while right-wing extremists are killing dozens of people every year.

A headline of "a group of anonymous antifa people have fisticuffs with right-wingers" isn't exactly exciting or very newsworthy. You might as well report on random bar fights.
That link has nothing to do with ANTIFA, it is about some random fringe environmentalist groups that have almost nothing to do with what we're talking about other than the fact that they're both far leftists. My original point still stands, how does the fact that right wing extremists cause more deaths and physical violence, make it acceptable to ignore what left wing extremists are doing? So in other words, I'm not saying that right wing extremists = left wing extremists in severity or in general. I am saying that left wing extremists are a problem that need to remedied, do you see the difference yet?