Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
I do have trouble seeing the threat of left wing extremism if anyone (like @Raver, who I think is decent and not a right wing nutjob) wants to explain how my own freedoms are threatened, I've historically seen the anti-SJW thing as a laughable internet phenomenon targeting college kids and other inconsequential people but now and again I see them getting someone fired and im like, ah ok. And I saw they attacked that journalist and he got a brain injury (which im obviously sensitive about) but I don't see mass shooters and real fuckin weirdos like on the right. (But my views, I guess, are biased towards right wing views being weird, I'll concede that..a lone shooter is objectively weirder than window smashing in a group tho, I think)
The problem is it's being normalized. When ****** had his brownshirts there was lots of window-smashing and no lone shooters, and it wasn't because brownshirts were just angsty teens with blue hair who listened to punk and wanted a group to break windows with.

If I go to a college class and say something like "Shakespeare is great" someone will say I'm oppressing them and I should join them in replacing Shakespeare with some whiny radical feminist author who no one's ever heard of because their writing simply isn't very good. Having a common culture of some form matters a lot because without it we'll go to the Stone Age. People don't have to love Shakespeare and opera but replacing it with authors who aren't very good isn't a viable alternative.