Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
@Raver You don't pass for "white" and damn sure not in the "anglo"/"nordic" sense (like I do, even though I'm also "mixed"); "left wing extremists" like ANTIFA fight so that your new world mongrel ass doesn't get strung up by a tree somewhere or have your head bashed in just because you look like you belong to some Central American caravan. Say thank you and STFU. Enough with these retarded, intellectually dishonest false equivalencies. There's no way in hell one can honestly equate Antifa with the likes of far right extremists like Neo-Nazis. Those types of groups seek to eradicate and divide diverse societies (that created people like me and you), victimizing marginalized populations and calling for state-sanctioned discrimination. Antifa protects those marginalized populations and was borne from a desire to stop state-sanctioned discrimination. PERIOD.
I am well aware that ANTIFA are not Leftist Neo-Nazis and that they are very different. They both represent polar opposite sides of the political scale. I am also well aware there are Neo-Nazis that would be hostile towards me because I am mixed race. However, I don't think ANTIFA is necessary to defend me from Neo-Nazis, that's what the police is for. Plus, with the way ANTIFA attacked a gay asian male reporter simply because he was Conservative has convinced me that protecting the downtrodden is not the goal of ANTIFA. The goal of ANTIFA is to attack anyone who disagrees with them.

If I was in Andy Ngo's position, I would of got the same treatment simply for being a reporter in their territory or even worse because I appear white. You tend to get the bad aspects of both sides (white and non-white) from being mixed race. Anyways, I want to make it clear that I am not saying ANTIFA is as bad as Neo-Nazis in their actions. What I am saying is that ANTIFA should not be given a free pass on their behavior simply because they happen to occupy the left instead of the right on the political spectrum.

Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
Drawing equivalence with Nazis is indeed retarded. When they should be calling them Communists instead.
I was just saying that ANTIFA are the opposite extreme of Neo-Nazis by occupying the left side extreme instead of the right side extreme rather than saying were literally Leftist Neo-Nazis. I agree that calling them Communists would be a far more fitting description though.

Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
I do have trouble seeing the threat of left wing extremism if anyone (like @Raver, who I think is decent and not a right wing nutjob) wants to explain how my own freedoms are threatened, I've historically seen the anti-SJW thing as a laughable internet phenomenon targeting college kids and other inconsequential people but now and again I see them getting someone fired and im like, ah ok. And I saw they attacked that journalist and he got a brain injury (which im obviously sensitive about) but I don't see mass shooters and real fuckin weirdos like on the right. (But my views, I guess, are biased towards right wing views being weird, I'll concede that..a lone shooter is objectively weirder than window smashing in a group tho, I think)
I get your argument that the far right are more prone to causing injury and death than the far left. That is undeniable and I am not trying to draw a false equivalence that the far left is just as bad as the far right, but rather that they occupy the extreme of the left wing in the same way the far right occupies the extreme of the right wing. Anyways, the reason I brought up attention to the far left is because it is often ignored and passed off as insignificant. Everyone acknowledges there is a group of far right extremists, why not acknowledge that there is a group of far left extremists even if they cause less tangible damage instead of sweeping it under the rug?

Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
All that and yet Raver's shucking and jiving ass wants to speak about the rise of "left wing terrorists." GTFOH. Like I said the first time, I have absolutely no patience for his intellectual dishonesty. For anyone with more than 3 fully functioning brain cells, it's more than obvious who and what entities comprise an ACTUAL threat.

P.S. Are you from the former Soviet Union? It just seems that something gets to throbbing in your asshole whenever anything "communist"-adjacent is mentioned. Feel free to relax. ANTIFA operates within a different framework and context. They will never be the monsters responsible for the Soviet atrocities. The right wing MFers caging/molesting/starving/abusing/neglecting brown migrant children at the US Southern border, on the other hand....
I am not saying that the extreme right are saints and the extreme left are demons. Heck, I'm not even saying that the extreme right and extreme left are even comparable on the same level of violence and damage. All I am saying is that we should acknowledge that there are extremists on the left that may mean well in their actions, but cause indirect harm and that more attention should be brought to it, nothing more and nothing less. Two wrongs don't make a right, even if the second wrong causes less damage than the first.

Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
I assume @Alonzo's point was to emphasize that this post is drawing attention away from a real problem by directing it to one that doesn't exist. @Raver is finding examples of petty-bourgeois liberals using somewhat underhanded methods against conservatives and calling this "far left" "extremism."

In contrast, I am an actual far-left extremist. Ask me anything, folks.
What are your thoughts on the attack on Andy Ngo that caused a cerebral hemorrhage? Did he deserve it? Why or why not?