@Alonzo this thread is about left-wing extremism.

I'm not saying right-wing extremism isn't a problem either, but trying to draw attention from the former by emphasizing the latter is simply whataboutism.


Also, I'm not saying right wing extremists are victims. I'm saying every group based on coercive force, whether it's Antifa, some right wing activists, Islamic terrorists, the Sicilian mafia, I could go on and on, is based on some notion of protecting some group which is supposedly oppressed. These groups may or may not actually be oppressed, that's not actually the point. The problem is that these groups are based on a "might is right" worldview, they end up causing harm not just to the people they stand up to but innocents as well. Not to mention the fact that pragmatically speaking, these groups either get nowhere in their efforts (ie Antifa) or end up causing more harm than the people they stand up to (Sicilian mafia).