Who are the "left-wing extremists"? Eco-terrorists? Revolutionary communists?

Right-wing killings eclipsed all other extremist-related murders in 2018. The numbers don’t lie.
In 2018, at Least 50 US Deaths From Surging Right-Wing Extremist Attacks
Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds

- 17 people killed in Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh
- In 2018, domestic extremists killed at least 50 people in the U.S
- In 2017, 37 people were killed
- In 2016, 72. In 2015, 70.
- The majority of the murders were committed by white supremacists, with a smaller number perpetrated by anti-government extremists and extreme misogynists who identify as "involuntary celibates" or incels.
- Only one of the 50 murders had any connection to Islamist extremism — and even then the perpetrator had ties to white supremacy.

- 51 people killed in New Zealand Christchurch Mosque shootings
- A white supremacist at a Veterans Affairs home in Tennessee allegedly set his African-American roommate on fire, then boasted about it to a white supremacist group.
- Another Pittsburgh white supremacist was charged with stabbing an African-American man to death

The right-wing extremists have actually been killing dozens of people in-discriminatory via mass-shootings, etc, while the "left-wing extremists" are calling people racists on YouTube. And we're supposed to care about left-wing extremists more because they're more dangerous. Right.

If you still think that the problem is left-wing extremists, then either you're very naive or very disingenuous.